
What is a good way to keep birds and slugs away from dog food?!?

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Birds and slugs are always getting in my dog's food there any home remedies or anything that you have heard of that could help!

o and btw i have already tried hanging cd's by the food...that worked for a little bit and then they got used to and and started getting in it again!






  1. put a saucer of beer nearby

  2. I just wouldn't leave food outside, If it isn't birds and slugs, it'll be raccoons, mice, rats, feral cats, flies, ants and who knows what else. Follow this way to feed the dog: put the food down, once or twice a day, whichever suits you and your dog best. If the dog hasn't eaten it all within 20 minutes, take the food bowl away. The dog will be hungrier next time, and will learn to eat faster. If the dog continues to leave food uneaten, maybe you're feeding too much. No healthy dog will voluntarily starve itself, so if there's food available once or twice a day, it will be fine. Water should be available 24/7 but food doesn't need to be.

  3. sprinkle some rock salt around the dish for slugs.  get your dog used to eating all his food at once and there wont be anything to attract the birds.

  4. Salt is toxic to slugs and will kill them - so I suppose a ring of salt around the dog's dish would prevent them from getting in there. Beer traps also work - fill a small bowl with stale beer - they're attracted to it - and they'll drown.

    As far as the birds are concerned...

    "You can buy a powerful magnet whose main purpose is to keep birds away from your patio (in a safe and humane manner). How does such a tool work? Well, it disrupts the birds’ means of sensing direction, and they will therefore stay away from the 15-20 foot radius that such a magnet might cover. Birds cannot adjust to the effect of such a magnet. Of course, if you are going to use one of these devices to keep birds off of your patio furniture, be sure to keep your computer, pacemakers, or other magnetically coded devices away from it"

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