
What is a good way to keep my mind off of my mom's birthday and the day she passed away?

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i'm always really upset on september 20th (my mom's birthday) and september 22nd ( day my mom passed away) it will be 9 years since my mom passed away and it is still so hard need suggestions




  1. i dont think you should try to keep your mind occupied, i think you sould try to commemorate her, but byt he positive thigns about her!

    like, maybe the day she passed every year u can make sure to go to her grave, put flowers, and then just really think abotu her the rst of the day tooo, dont try to fight it.

    if u have old pictures, look at them mayb.

    its ok to be upset, it IS ur mom.....

    on the other hand, after u have youre morning or afternoon of mourning,

    try to get back to your life

    funciton, if you have a job go to work, if your a mom at home, clean or something....listen to music....

    you can always try to forget about it byw atchign tv/movies/reading a book

    but thats not as healthy, but still possible

  2. there is really no easy way to stop thinking about someone that you love that has passed away.Try and stay busy.Try to remember the good times.I should know because my mom passed away 1 yr ago on my fathers birthday and that same day my grandson was born.Then my father passed away in Feb from a broken heart because he lost a wife of 53 yrs.So now what I do is just try and think of how happy they are together again.But I know its very hard.

  3. Keep yourself occupied, maybe spend it with some friends who you enjoy. Plan something exciting!!! Whatever you do, don't spend it alone... I know, my dad is gone & his birthday is rough too, just like Father's day!

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