
What is a good way to make yourself throw up???

by  |  earlier

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im just wondering so dont write nothing dumb about[[WHY ARE U TRYIN TO MAKE URSELF THROW UP]]..NO its juss a question i wanted to know





  1. stick your finger / toothbrush down your throat onto your gag spot.

    keep doing this until you throw up.

    if this doesn't work, then do this at the same time while watching 2 girls 1 cup on the internet. that should definitely work.

  2. You simply stick 1-2 fingers into the back of your throat and leave them there throughout your gagging.  Soon you will be throwing up.  Umm...good luck?

  3. first, you dont

  4. Ipecac

  5. stick your middle finger down your throat and gag your self,

  6. gag yourself by sticking your fingers down your throat

  7. Stick your finger down your throat and tickle the back of your throat. This will make you gag and throw up.

  8. Stick your fingers down your throught

  9. Uhh... Idk... Touch they hangy thing in your throat.

  10. tick your finger down ur throwt  

  11. If you're sick, nauseous, queasy, etc and you're probably going to throw up anyway....

    Try getting up and walking or jogging around. In that kind of situation, it's always been enough to put my body just over the edge and get rid of whatever's making me sick.

    I've also heard a cold cloth on the back of your neck works. I haven't tried it but I've noticed that when I get sick, my body suddenly cools so it makes sense to me.

    You can also try drinking a lot of water really fast. Doesn't always work but it seems to work on drunk people all the time.

    If you're throwing up over vanity issues, don't. It's bad for your esophogus, your teeth, your gums, your skin, etc, etc, etc.

  12. naturally, i'm not encouraging it.

    apparently drinking salty water. taking andrews salt. fingers down your throat so that you gag.

    but please don't. it's not healthy :)

  13. ????????? umm gag ur self???? :s

  14. Well, you ONLY need to make yourself to throw up if you are sick (it helps you feel a bit better getting some of it out).

    Sometimes if I cough to much I throw up. You can also use your fingers at the back of your throat to vomit.

  15. Eat something that totally disgust you.  Like sushi.

  16. Step 1 Position yourself. Make sure you won't vomit on anything that is hard to clean. Tie your hair back and pull away any loose clothing that might get hit by the back splash

    Step 2 Open your mouth wide

    Step 3 Press your index finger or middle finger onto the very back of your tongue.

    Step 4 Begin stroking the back of your throat


    Step 5 Continue doing this until you gag. Let the vomit come.

  17. put ur finger in the back of ur mouth after you eat you'll throw up

  18. There isn't a good way... fingers down throat hurt, drinking acidic mixtures like mustard etc are gross, and bringing up stomach bile to rot your teeth is hardly smart anyway.

  19. try rinsing ur mouth out with mineral oil... that stuff always makes me gag

  20. ipecac syrup

  21. Stick your fingers down your throat!

    Answer mine...;...

  22. take a toothbrush and put it in the back of your throat.  keep doing this until you throw up.  DONT DO THIS IF YOUR BULIMIC OR ANOREXIC ITS UNHEALTHY AND UNSAFE.

  23. Fingers in the throat, of course.  Also, there used to be something called EPICAC syrup that parents would give their kids if they ate poisonous berries or something.  They make dogs throw up by pouring salt on their tongues; I guess that might work for people too.

  24. Shove a toothbrush down ur throat.



  25. Watch VH1. Sooner or later you will vomit

  26. Stick your finger down your throat. It won't feel good. Or you could eat lots of epsom salt. Or eating grass because grass has some kind of thing that humans can't stand. Also syrup of ipecac makes you throw up.

  27. there is no good way. Vomiting too much will actually cause serious problems to your esophagus and should only be done by the body when it see it necessary.  

  28. Smell your little brothers' finger. Or try smelling a dirty diaper. Smells usually work if the gagging yourself won't.

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