
What is a good way to motivate your gerbil to run in its ball?

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ok i have a gerbil and his name is pepper he is a mongolian gerbil and i want to enter him in the critter run but he won't run in his ball and i tried where you stick the treat in his ball i used a sunflower seed and i tried the patting the floor thing and i used the trick where you take your foot and scoot him very slowly and make him walk any ideas are appreciated




  1. I suggest just leaving him in the ball, on the floor everyday for about 20 minutes or so.  Do not leave him to long because he needs water.  Eventually, he will figure it out and start to run.  Also, tape the ball shut, because sometimes the lid comes off and the gerbils get out.  That has happened to me twice. Good Luck with your gerbil!!!

  2. there's really nothing you can actually do. i have  a rat who absolutely refuses to use her ball. the only thing i can think of is to put him in his ball everyday and leave him there for a little bit and see if he'll use it. otherwise i hope you still have the receipt.

  3. a cat or dog would help.  

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