
What is a good way to organize condensers and dynamics?

by  |  earlier

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My mixer is a total mess and i can't identify anything.




  1. Different colored mic cables, these cost more but they are worth it. Some mic cables can come in neons, or they can be woven. Either that, or put small sticky notes on your mixer.  But i think that would prolly get annoying.

  2. First divide all the capactor into two groups......electroly and non electroly.

    Then divide into small groups....for electroly capacitors:

    2000 mfd till 6800 mfd;

    more than 6800 mfd;

    500 mfd till 1000 mfd.

    100 mfd till 470 mfd.

    1 mdf till 68 mfd.

    and specify its working voltage in sub-groups.

    For non electroly capacitor:

    0.5 mfd till 5 mfd.

    0.1 mdf till 0.47 mfd.

    0.01 mfd till 0.08 mfd.

    1000 pf till 8200 pf.

    100 pf till 820 pf.

    1 pf till 82 pf.

    also divide it into different working voltage groups if you like.

    Some capacitor can be read its value directly but some you need a capacitor tester to check its value.

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