
What is a good way to start doing magic?

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yes i am talking about tricks and stuff don't tell me to "find god" weird people.




  1. I'm just getting started, too. I found a community on LiveJournal that is interested in magic. Some of the people there recommended Giobbi's Card College (a series of books that clearly explain the fundamentals of card magic). I'd also try finding a local magic shop, if you can. The proprietors are likely to be pretty involved in the local magic community. Eventually, you should probably get involved with the International Brotherhood of Magicians (but you need a couple of years of documented interest before you can join). Meanwhile, the internet is a great source for finding some of the fundamentals. Then it's just practicing and polishing.

    I'd also recommend starting with sleight of hand stuff instead of going directly to tricks that depend on special equipment- you get a better grounding in the fundamentals and you build a solid theory and skill base that way.

  2. well magic tricks or not God is still a good thing to find :) But to answer your initial question I really don't know :/ Maybe just start with a book from Borders or something?

  3. You tube has a lot of demonstrations of how to do magic tricks.

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