
What is a good way to start scrapbooking?

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What is a good way to start scrapbooking?




  1. Basics:

    You need some kind of album. You might want to start with a smaller album, 8x8 (6x6 is a little too small sometimes if you don't do a lot of trimming of your pictures)... or you can go big with 12x12.

    Paper:  cardstock in white and maybe various colors, you can get that at Wal-Mart for pretty cheap in the bigger size and either cut it down or they probably have smaller sizes too. Also some patterned paper to compliment your pictures.

    Straight cutter.  There are some small-ish 12 in ones out there.

    Adhesive:  the roller applicators are my preference. You can find them almost anywhere in the craft department. I don't recommend glue sticks for scrapbooking, nothing ever sticks well for me with them in scrapbooks.

    Pens: for journaling.. basic black and then a few colors.

    Stickers: adding interest... pick stuff that goes with your pictures, or just random that you like.

    Make sure everything is acid free so it doesn't discolor your pictures.

    Once you get into it, there are lots of other embellishments to use. has some good stuff and also something called "finished in a flash" that are whole kits of papers and embellishments that all coordinate together.

    Happy Bookin'!

  2. Start by gathering some scrapbook supplies. This can be anything that YOU like. A good starting point is some of those loose pictures you have stashed out of the way.  You can orginize by themes if you like.

    Organize and categorize your scrapbook materials. Scrapbooks can cover any subject you want. .

    Visualize then Design the layout of your scrapbook. I like to take as much time as needed to design my scrapbooks. I like to try and visualize how I want my scrapbook to look and how I want it laid out. I like to use short phrases or sentences to describe the pictures.

    This is also the time to pick out any decorations you might want in your scrapbook.

    You can also try using digitalphoto software like photomix to make collages and also to help organise your pages.  The best thing is you can see the finished project before you print it and if you don't like it change it.

  3. Yes, definitely start by sorting through your pictures.  Sort the pictures you want to use into piles with about 4-10 pictures in each pile and it will get your mind rolling.  After you have looked through them all decide what kind of scrapbook(s) you want to do.  Kids?  Vacations?  Childhood?  Family?  The options are practically endless but take your direction from your own pictures.   If you want to do a vacation scrapbook take your vacation pictures to a scrapbook store and start browsing.  Find a scrapbook and some paper/stickers/embellishments that coordinate with your pictures.  (Put each pile of pictures into separate baggies before you go)  It wouldn't hurt to pick up a scrapbook magazine too because they have great ideas to spark your imagination.  You will also need some kind of glue....I recommend the little glue dots that come out of a roller cartridge.  They are really easy to work with.  Plus, a paper cutter.  It is way harder than you think to cut paper straight without one.

    It's really overwhelming to start this hobby so a great idea is to attend a scrapping session at a local craft store.  Fellow crafters are more than happy to let you use their nifty tools and help you get started.  You make friends too!  Have fun!!!

  4. Sort thru your pictures and pick maybe an event in your life you wish to start with. Go to a store and they sell some pretty nice starter kits. As you do it more, you'll add more scissors, papers, etc.  Down hill from there!! LOL...........

  5. One of the best features of online digital scrapbooking is that you can always rearrange things. Even image cropping can be un-done. So if you don't like one layout or want to change the cropping of one of the images you can easily change it. Also it is nice to be able to access your online design from any internet enabled computer. These and many other features make online scrapbooking a great way to get started!

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