
What is a good way to study?

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I'm going to have a week of tests and I've tried to study, but it doesn't seem to work, does anyone know some other ways of studying?




  1. well i don't know what you are studying, but what works for me is making flash cards and going over them with myself once or twice a day. and also using cornell notes (outlining) while I'm reading my text book works really well too.

    good luck.

  2. I recently studied abroad as a mature student in a class of youngsters. This was my first time studying in years so I was not very confident about doing well.

    What worked for me was firstly condensing notes (both printed and my own written notes - often more than a dozen pages) into something more manageable - 2 pages.

    As it came closed to exams - I took all my condensed notes - re-read them and condensed all pages down to just 2 pages of key terms, and got rid of the waste. I relied quite heavily on anacronyms, and if there wasnt an official one, then I would use one of my own. I find this helps with ordering any kind of list.

    So at the end of the day, my revision pages comprised of no more than 2 side of A4 paper for each topic. I scored 2 distinctions and 3 credits out of 6 papers - pretty good considering I hadnt studied for years.

    One final strategy I feel it is worth mentioning, is to try and explain what you have learnt to other people. Often by doing this you are able to simplify and rationalise the subject matter into something easier to remember.

  3. what i do is highlight, use flashcards, and say it outloud. also, while studying, suck on a mint or chew gum and when it's time for the test eat that mint or gum so that section of the brain will remember the taste as well as the material you were studying. remember to take 10 minute breaks after 45 minutes of studying. you don't want to cram it and then not let it soak in. don't stay up late studying because you will forget it by morning. sleep well and eat a big breakfast for brainpower. i hope i helped.

  4. Okay, the first thing to do before you study is to RELAX.  Then, you need to get in a good study environment.  A good study environment is a desk in a room with good lighting.  It should be quiet and have no distractions, like an iPod or some food.

       To remember your readings faster, it is a good idea to do SQ3R: Surevey what you will read, Question some of the material that looks important, Read the assigned material, Review what you just read, and then by memory Recite in your own words the main points of the reading.  

       You should only study a little bit each night. You should study BEFORE you do anything else. Schedule your projects in parts, not all in five hours...five hours before it is due!  If you are in high school, two to three hours each night is good and a middle schooler should study about one hour each night.  Studying includes doing homework.  

       The night before a test, just reread your notes two or three times about twenty minutes before you get a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast when you wake up.  It is NOT  a good idea to just reread the material until 4 am when the test is at 8 am.  

       To take notes that you will be able to read within 24 hours of taking them, you should come up your own notetaking code.  I use superwrite, which is the English language in cursive that does not have short vowels, only long vowels.  You could use that or make up your own notetaking code. A good way to practice your notetaking code is to summarize what a character says in an episode or two of your favorite TV shows.

       A way to tell if what the professor is saying is important is to listen to the tone of voice.  If he or she sounds utterly bored and is looking out the window, do not write that down.  Instead, summarize what he or she says when they get excited about something or emphasize a point more than two times.

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