
What is a good way to tell your parents you are pregnant?

by Guest62120  |  earlier

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ok... i am in serious trouble... i am 15 and 8 weeks pregnant and i havent told my parents or dont know who the dad is. I have to tell them soon before they start to tell. what do i do? there gonna like freak out!!!




  1. you just have to tell them. u need to get to a dr. asap. since you dont know who the dad is obviously you've had multiple partners and need to be checked for STDs.  

  2. ok,jus tell them that u need 2 sit down && have a talk wid them,

    jus tell them that everyone makes mistakes && tell them how bad u feel.

    believe me,when that baby gets here...

    they won't think u made a misstake!!!

  3. I know it's scary but you need to tell them sooner and not later. You might be surprised by how they take the news. I was worried about telling my dad as they reacted badly when my sister got pregnant. but they were really happy for me. so bite the bullet and tell of luck

  4. Sit them down one evening and warn them that you have something serious to tell them, ask them not to react and just listen to what you have to say first. Explain the situation and how you feel, whatever you do don't tell any white lies about it, when they find out (and they will) they will be extremely angry and disappointed. Tell them that you know you have made a mistake, and that you understand you will have to deal with the consequences for the rest of your life (even if you don't keep the baby you'll always have the emotions). Tell them that you need them to be supportive and need their love to get through it, you can't do it alone especially since you don't know the father. I'm sure they will be shocked and will probably be mad at first, but they're your parents and they will still love you, and hopefully love the baby too :)

    I hope it works out for you, that is a hard situation for anyone, especially somebody of your age. Your parents are older and have experience with pregnancy and babies so you need to tell them.

  5. Well I would tell them in a letter while you are far

    I so want to rip into you for not using protection. But I decided I won't. I just hope you have figured out how you at 15 are going to take care of a baby.

  6. all u can do is tell them the truth and face the consequences..its your fault in the first place..dont ever think of aborting the baby..once that baby born your parents will love your baby..=)

  7. Just tell them asap, the sooner the better u do have options, please e mail me so I can help u

  8. Hey dad, I stole your keys, robbed a bank and totalled the car during the getaway...just kidding, I'm pregnant. Works every time.

  9. You just have to sit them down and tell them ASAP. You need to get to the doctor. Not knowing the dad will not help until the baby is born and you can do DNA tests. Your parents will most likely be mad and yell, but they will get over it. Ya'll need to decide what is best for you and the baby to keep him/her or adoption.  

  10. Well there are some different things you can do...

    1. You could tell your parents the hard way and face their reaction.

    2. You could find out who the dad (DNA Testing) and have him tell your parents. (Like I had to with my girlfriend)

    3. You could tell your parents that he raped you. (You might be lying but it works everytime)

    If I were you I would choose number 2 because it would be easier for you and you get child support for 18 years.

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