
What is a good website that shows how to solve a rubik's cube in 20- seconds?

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What is a good website that shows how to solve a rubik's cube in 20- seconds?




  1. Here is a good link:

  2. There are plenty of sites that will teach you how to solve the rubik's cube, but there aren't any that will guarantee that you solve it under 20 seconds.

    If that's your goal, then you need to research the methods on how to solve it, read up about finger tricks, and most important of all, practice..

    I think Fridrich method is the most popular in speedcubing. She lists her theoretical average solve time as 17 sec on her page. But even if you know all the algs she's listed (I think like 119??) that doesn't mean you'll average 17 sec. Everyone needs to practice to get to that level.

    I hope I didn't misconstrue your question. If you're looking for speedcubing algs, I've listed them here, but you have to practice.

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