
What is a good website that will show me how to do the splits??

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Dance related question




  1. Hi!

    When I started getting serious about ballet, the first thing I noticed was that I wasn't in my splits. It was a little annoying, because I would really push myself. However, I researched a bit, and I found this site:

    This website is really helpful, and I had my splits down in 3 weeks (give or take a few days). It shows you stretches, how long to do them, and gives advice on easing into the splits.

    Hope this helped!

  2. I don't think that a website is the best thing. You should just do your regular dance stretches. If you get stuck and don't know what ones to do ask your teacher.  you just have to try everyday and see if you get farther down (make sure you always stretch before you do them) it took me a while but now i am easily sitting in my splits.

  3. I think you can find something on Public Village or iVillage, or something on YouTube by famous jazz dancers like Christy Lane or Debbie Allen who can show you how to do the splits.

    You can also look you YouTube videos on taekwondo warm up exercises to find examples of side-split or forward-splilt stretches. Taekwondo is Korean karate with very spectacular kicks, so that means warmups will involve at least something on how to do the splits.

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