
What is a good website to go to for legal advice?

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I've seen conflicting answers for many legal questions and would just like a good point of reference.




  1. any reference you obtain on line is generic and the actual facts and circumstances surrounding the actual issue you are seeking advise about will effect the validity and accuracy of the answers you receive.

    speak to a local attorney


    most legal issues are subject to interpretation that is why we have arbitrators, mediators, judges and juries. seldom is anything as simple as a printed law. whether it is a criminal or civil issue there are always different ways to look at the "facts" and different conclusions derived by what is seen.  

  2. While I agree that the information on a website is general and not "Legal Advice" the one that does tend to have a good deal of information is

    I have found them to direct me to the laws for a particular jurisdiction.

  3. Go to a lawyer.  The first visit, you will not be charged for.  Laws depend upon where you live, find a lawyer near you and ask for advise.  On-line legal advise is not reliable.  (college prof)

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