
What is a good weight to start breeding rats?

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I have 3 rats that I am trying to breed to produce food for my snakes and save money. I don't know how old they are. What is a safe weight to start breeding them at. How big are they at 6-7 weeks old?




  1. I don't have an exact weight, but on average breeders go by how old they are. 2-3months old is acceptable. The best idea I can give you is the weight of a couple of mine before I bred them; females at aproxamatly 14-16oz that would be around full grown, Males can and will breed at any size. Try not to breed back to back litters as this will severly shorten the life of your breeders. Also be shure your snakes can handle eating all the babies, or you will have a major exsess of rats running around. Litters average 9-14 pups, all of my rats have had between 10 and 14, I had one a long time ago that had 22. I have never had a rat canabalise any babies, althought any mamal will eat any babies that are still born. be shure to reasearch all you can about rat growth and development, it will help. Also remember after 4 or 5 litters the female can not handle more, and problems do occur. And you do have to take proper care of the rats or your snakes may become sick.

    I understand the problems you are incountering with the hypocritacal opinions of others. I have heard all about it. I breed both rats and mice, both as feeders and as pets. Some I sell to a local pet shop, and some go to feeding my snake. If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I can let you know more.

  2. Jess ignore the rude comments. I am the biggest animal lover - I get upset at the smallest hint of animal cruelty.

    However I also realise this is a nessecity for the snakes, and as long as they are look after humanely I see no problem. Snakes have to eat, the only different is that you are breeding the food instead of buying from someone else who breeds them.. Please feed prekilled though to avoid further suffering to the rodent - plus a rat can do serious damage to a snake.

    The breeding age depends on what strain of rat you have, some attain larger weights than others and tend to grow quicker. The general rule is they should be at least 12 weeks of age, and more than 180 grams - the bigger the better.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Your sick. People like you shouldn't even own animals. Those poor rats-those mothers. You are going to actually watch them carry and deliver the babies and then care for them and protect them and then you are going to rip them away and feed them to a snake. You probably have the caged next to one another and she'll be forced to watch the whole thing.  

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