
What is a good work out routine for a Cross Country runner?

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I started cross country last year and since the season ended in November I've gotten quite a bit out of shape..but it's time to begin training again and I need to step it up! So what's a good work out routine for a 15 year old girl?




  1. thats a good question. I guess you need to change your diet and go back to eating all the good food you were eating from last season. Also try to start of slow and work your way up at a gradual pace in terms of running. I dont think your too out of shape.

  2. just keep doing cross country.

    exercise more, eat less

    stretching is also good

    getting involve in sports


  3. RUN! run six says a week, alternating between long, slow runs and runs where you warmp up slow and than do incraments of sprints or longer fast runs. Start the first week going a few miles and by the week before the season starts be up to about 5 or more miles on your long runs. You need to build endourance and strength. Do abs and weight lifting too, but only to light weights with high reps. drink a lot of water and a balanced diet. Good luck!

  4. do cardio along with a run on mon, wed, fri and weight train on tues, thurs. ~ works for me and i run in marathons.

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