
What is a good work-out routine for females?

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Not for weight loss or gain, simply for toning and muscle. I'm 20 years old.





  1. 10 minutes of skipping + 1-2 hrs of yoga/pilates 6 days a week

  2. Go to the gym 3/4 times a week.

    With each workout:

    Run for 15 mins after a 5 mins walking warm up

    Skip for 5 mins - do as much as you can in the time frame.

    Bike for 10 mins - interval - 2 mins moderate, 1 mins hard, 2 mins moderate, 1 min hard etc.

    Then use some light to medium dumbells and do 3 x 15 lunges, squats and step ups using a step in the gym.

    use machines too for legs and chest presses.

    Finally, do 20 crunches and then make sure you do at least 5 mins cool down

  3. Disclaimer: I don't recommend any diet to you or anyone, but I just wanted to share my experience. You should talk to your nutritionist/doctor before making any drastic changes to your body.

    Currently, I've been exercising on my "air-stepper" at home, and I get on it for 15 minutes each day to get my cardio workout. I take my pulse at 5 min. intervals for 15 minutes to see if I'm improving. ^_^ Then, I get on my Total Gym and start working on my arms and legs (pulling, pushing, etc.). To tone my abs, I do 200 crunches (I lay on my Total Gym at an incline, so it's VERY easy and no back strain!); they are much easier than sit-ups. ^_^ Lastly, I do 100 of those "standing-up" crunches. I don't know what to call them, but I saw it on Hip-Hop Abs. You can see a sample of it here:

    The lay down crunches and the standing up crunches that I do gave me the flat stomach I have now. ^____^ Very happy with the results. You can do as many as your body can tolerate for ONE day and feel your stomach flatter immediately afterwards (at least for me)! It's incredible!

    If you do not have gym equipment, just jumping around and running place for 15-30 minutes will get you your cardio workout. Eat yogurt, fruits, and other health foods. Drink tons of water and your daily dosage of milk. ^_^

    Good luck! :D

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