
What is a good work out routine that can be done at home?

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I am a 15 year old girl weighing 120 pounds and 5feet 4inches. I have large hips, and some flab around the sides of my waste and i have a bit of a gut in my stomach.

I want to lose all of those area's by doing workouts in my home. I have a treadmill, and workout ball at home, as well as some weights.. but don't think weights are involved with what I want to improve on.

What are some workouts that I can do in my home, and get results fast?

Should I work out everyday? If so what time is best?

How many of each workout should I do a day (ex. 10 crunches, 30 push ups etc.)?

Please answer all the questions, and if there is any additional information you can give me or any websites I can go to, it would be greatly appreciated.




  1. lose about 7 pounds in onee week by strictly a vegetable and fruit diet, i dont no if ur up to it or not. just a lot of water, fruits, and steamed vegetables. it works, but its mad hard. u can throw a meal in there if u want, and then work out on a balll. do about 2 sets of 30 crunches, on the balll, then do 2 sets of twistey crunches (instead of going straight up, go left or right) because these will give u a nice curve in ur stomach, and then do about 20 push ups maybe? increase it slowly by maybe 5 every 10-12 days. go for a 30 minute jog atleast 3 times a week. also, join a sport maybe!  

  2. You don't have a lot of weight to lose and sound like you want to shape up.  I'm about your height and weighed around 125 after the birth of my 2nd child (maybe even 130).

    I wanted to lose my pregnancy weight and get fit again.  I accomplished it in about a month really well.  I managed to get down to around 105 and was really toned.  (I need to do it again now, just had another baby...)

    First, I went completely vegetarian.  I also didn't eat cheese, but I did have skim milk with some granola in the morning.  For lunch I might have a vegetable sandwich (lettuce, onion, cucumbers, tomato, pickles, peppers with some oil & vinegar) and fruit.  Dinner was always a salad - no cheese, no croutons, no meats, no fatty dressings (always lite - usually oil & vinegar).  I ate NO sugar, even started taking my coffee black.  I also drank at least 8 big glasses of water a day (I needed this during my workout).

    The other VERY important thing I did was to work out.  I used Billy Blanks' Tae Bo, the Bootcamp series (although I only ever could get through the beginners workout).  At first I could only maybe do 10 minutes of the 50 minute (I think?) workout - without the bands (you get some 'billy bands' with the set, they're rubbery and you put them through your feet and then hold them, providing resistance and working the arms).

    I carried on with this every other day (be sure to rest in between - when you build work out, you're breaking your muscle fibers a little - when they heal, you've built muscle - your muscles need that day of rest to heal).  For a workout DVD it actually is really hard core.  I'd have 5 or 6 tall glasses of water poured and in reachable distance when I'd start this workout.  I needed all of them and was drenched in sweat by the end of the workout.

    After a week or so I could get through the whole workout (without the bands).  Then I started using the bands, it was PAINFUL again.  Believe me though, this workout does work fantastic if you do it.  When I got pregnant I had to stop doing it: all my coworkers wanted to borrow  my DVDs though because they thought I looked so good from it.

    Keep up your enthusiasm by doing little things like going tanning, getting your hair or nails done, buying new makeup.  Its the little things like that that will keep you motivated.

    I know this plan is brutal, but stick with it for a month and you'll look fantastic.  After that, you'll definitely think twice about doing anything to get out of shape again (you won't want to lose your new figure).  I had to force myself to do the workout, but afterwards I was always glad I did.  I had such a higher energy level and felt so good.

    I've put a link to a page where you can buy Billy Blanks programs. The boot camp one is the only one I've done and it's a little older, but it works.

    Good luck, and whatever you do, don't just go 'on a diet'.  You have to change the way you eat as well as your exercise habits.  Otherwise, you'll just put the weight back on when you go 'off' the diet and exercise program.

    Another tip - tell EVERYONE how you're working out and eating better.  That way you'll be less likely to give it up.  Also, keep a journal of what you eat (when you have to write it down, you notice all those little snacks).

  3. eat healthy. no starving. you're not gonna lose any weight like that.

    pilates and yoga. i do it every night. yoga helps your muscles (but doesn't necessarily strengthen them) and stress. pilates works your abdomen and legs.

    treadmill: use it. put it to good use.

    anytime is good to work out except before bed time and after a meal. take a walk after a meal, though.

    find at least 6 pilates and 6 yoga moves you think you'll like best. don't go straight to the advanced ones. i worked from simple moves and started to do harder ones with each workout. do at least 10 of each move. raise the number gradually.

    But comparing your height and your weight, you seem very healthy. don't stress over every bit of fat. you need the fat to be healthy.

    oh, and you can't pinpoint one part of your body to lose weight on. you have to lose weight on the whole of your body.

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