
What is a good workout routine to get ready for swim team?

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I joined the YMCA and i want to get in shape for next year's swim team, last year i was kinda suckish :(





  1. Well there is always cross-training, like biking and running, and doing drylands. But if you want to be ready for swimming youll need to practice swimming. Being out of the water for too long, will slow you down a lot.

    Just go to a lap pool near you and try swimming laps. Start out with a few, and build up. Also try all the different stokes.

    If you know how to read a workout, try this:

    do this for beginning, and then add on to it, or make it harder yourself

    Warmup: 600 (100 free, 100 non free)

    12x50 kick. (3 fly kick, 3 back, 3 breast, 3 free) (take about 5-10 seconds at the wall)

    4x100 free (start out easy, and build by 100, so by your last 100 your sprinting) rest as much needed

    9x75 ( 25 fly, 25 back, 25 breast) take about 10 seconds at each wall

    400 IM easy, just keep your stoke in place, and dont break it down. take as much time needed

    Warmdown as much needed, i suggest about a 300.

    Im not sure if this is what you wanted, i tried to give you a workout you can do, i have many more i could give you, and a lot of cross training workouts, if you need. Just email me.

    Good luck and take care :)

  2. Here is a good workout! (You don't have to get up as early as me, but my practise is at 8 a.m.)

    6:00- 100 Jumping Jacks

    6:10- 100 Crunches

    6:20-  Stretching (Arms, Legs, Stomach... etc.)

    6:25-  Walk around neigborhood

    6:45-  Run around block 3-5 times

    7:00-7:05 (estimated)

    I also walk on the treadmill for one hour a day. For an average 14 year old, the maximum heart rate should be around 115 BPM- 135 BPM.

    Have a fun and safe swim!!!

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