
What is a good workout to get punching power?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Get a partner to help you train. The more you learn the correct stance and moving your body into the punch, the harder the punches will get. remeber to not leave yourself open and not have your legs so wide as to be thrown off balance. Working out on the heavy bag and using the jabs, body blows, uppercuts and hooks is what will teach you and strengthen you if you keep the combos coming. Don't forget the speed bag and the jump rope.

    Do some weight training for upper body strength with weights to gain power but don't bulk up too much. You want to remain agile. The pull down bar is great!

  2. splitting wood..

  3. Both me and mi fella do boxing and i find the best way is with a partner! we take it turns, take punches at different apperatus, the puch bag, speed ball, medicine ball and you could even try eachother, me n mi partner punch eachothers abs it helps us maintain power and allows us to get used to the pain of punches!

    good luck with your boxing and i hope i helped x*x

  4. Knuckle pushups.

    It strengthens  muscles you use when you punch.

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