
What is a government subcontractor?

by  |  earlier

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I talked to a guy who said he does this for a living. What exactly is it? Is this a job that one would make a lot of money from (sounds like it might be with the word government in it)?




  1. All levels of government hire contractors to do work.  The contract resides between another company and the government.  So, your friend works for a company that works for some level of government.  Right now security in Iraq is contracts out to Blackwater.  The contract resides with the State Department.  Many IT contractors work for the Federal Government.  Most contractors are highly skilled.  Government contracts skills it does not have internally, especially technology skills.  You are paid by your company, who is pay by the Feds.  Yes, you can make alot of company if you have a unique, highly specialized skill.  (retired IBM exec mgr/consultant to gov)

  2. 1. The guvt hire a kumpanee tu du wotever the papers sae, then that kumpanee hire yu.

    Guvt du a lotta this for wot it kall "speshalized" stuff & it klaem it kant find NE-1 tu duit.   Guvt klaem it kant find & hire a werker that wanna werk for guvt.  Just nuther big guvt lie.

    2. the job is kontinjunt on the kontrakt.  Most kontrakts R for 1 yeer.  But most get renued yeer aft yeer; almost forever.

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