
What is a great starter fish that can go into a 1.77 gallon fish tank and is easy to take care of?

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Ok my brother and I want to get a fish and we want a fish that won't take to much hard work in case we are busy sometimes. Thanks for helping =D Appreciate it. =D




  1. get zebra danios as they can live in unheated aquariums although they do need a filter, as do all fish, try to get at LEAST 4. It would be great if you got more than 8 and it looks amazing to see them swimming around together. They are one of the hardiest fish going and remember to treat the water if you get it from a tap with a special chemical which you can get for about £1.50 which neutralises all the harmful metals and chlorine in the water  

  2. The only thing that could go in there is a Betta. But make sure you have a filter and a heater, or else it may not live as long. They need a filter because they are living creatures and produce waste, and the filter will pick up the waste. They need a heater because they're tropical fish. Without a heater, they'll be less active, move susceptible to diseases, and won't show as much color than if they had a heater.

    E-mail me for any questions!

    EDIT: Bettas DO NOT eat the roots of plants. They are carnivores, and roota are plants. That's like forcing a lion to eat ferns.

    And they DO NOT live in "small rice puddles". They live in these:

    EDIT 2: 2 fish that are 1.5" in length in a 1.77 gallon tank is way overstocked. The most you could have is a female OR male betta.

  3. Trey, i think you are a little mis-informed on bettas. The minimum is 1 gallon. In the wild they live in HUGE rice patty Fields, not puddles. If your house room temp goes below 75F you do need a heater. Filtration is optional, but there is a lot of debate on the subject. Some people say it is a must, some ppl say never b/c it stressed the fish b/c it is hard for them to swim in currents b/c of there long fins. I think filtration is a good thing to have, as long as it is not very strong. If you do not have filtration you will have to do 2-3 times a week water changes but if you have a filter, only once a week. Betta's are pretty easy, and the minimum is 1 gallon, anything less just does not give them enough room and it is also very hard to keep the water quality good. So, a betta or 2 male guppies. If you get a female you will be overrun with babies!! Technically no fish is hard after the tank is set up and cycled. Then feed them about 5 pellets a day. Also, giving them a treat of blood worms or brine shrimp is good for them! As long as there tank is hot enough and they have clean water, they are very colorful and active.=)

  4. nothing not even a betta is suitable

  5. I would get a betta because they are hardy, easy to take care of, beautiful, and they are very amusing to watch :) I have 5 and I sat down and talked to them for a straight hour :)

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