
What is a great workout to do to get ready for volleyball season?

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What are some good drills or things to do to get in shape and get a better vertical for volleyball? Tryouts are in about 5 months. I need to know all that i can to improve so ican make varsity instead of JV this year.




  1. What works for me is a lot of upper body work: lifting weights, push ups, etc. Also do exercises like sit ups too to keep your abs strong. Good Luck. Hope you make Varsity!! =)

  2. hey just do some high jumps run some track or have another sport will volleyball is out!!!

  3. you should do sprints, crunches, pushups, situps. get small wheights and us them for your upper arms. you need good strenght  in your upper arms for over hand serves. also get a volleyball and practice hitting.

  4. Circuits and sprints and suicides. They suck but there is a reason people swear by them.

  5. wall jumps because u pratice ur jumping

    bleachers they work on bending ur knees

    spike approach it just gets u in the habbit of doing it a certain way

    wall sits the work on having ur knees bent and ready

  6. Our school conditioning did a whole bunch of sprints/suicides. We did block jumps too. I did a whole bunch of crunches, push ups, squats and wall sits.

  7. jump ups, take your knee's and jump and pull them up chest. running. full body stretch and your basic sit and reach. karoke, but kicks, high knee's, high skips. and you shoul be good to go.!

  8. You should do alot of jumping so your legs can get use to jumping when you get ready to jump up for a spike! GOOD LUCK ON MAKING VARSITY!

  9. You could do Cardio practice your setting with a basketball for strength in your fingers that's what we did. You also could lift weights for arm strength. There are tons of things you can do but I just can't think of them right now.

  10. Do a lot of cardio.Like sprints or something because if u are a spiker u get tired easy of jumping.Workout ur legs try do do weights.Doing squats will help u jump higher.and of course hit the ball to a wall a lot until u get it completly mastered

  11. Gymnastics, stretching, yoga, go gym. All these exercise you can try them too! :)

  12. well i like to run for 10 min every day and do 15 push ups it builds stamina and upper body strenghth that is what i do and i have made the team 3 years in a row

  13. All above. They have answered all...

    Also..Do duck walk and duck jump around the field!

  14. Work on your abs. That is the main thing you use. Also do sprints, wall jumps, push ups, and if you have a basketball goal then try rim jumps. Set the goal as high as it goes and jump toach the rim and keep doing them for as long as you can. This will help your legs get stronger and your jumps get higher

  15. I am in training right now for a college scholarship which are hard to come by around here because volleyball isn't that popular.  I don't feel like sitting here for a couple hours and typing out my routine so I'll take you back to the website that I adapted my own routine from before the college sent me theirs:

    Just go through each day of Hammon's workout and adapt it to whatever your own needs are.

    Oh and remember too much long distance running can actually hurt your vert.

  16. do summ sprintz and a whole lot of squats and puchups since volleyball is mostly in the arms and legs you really have to get your legs arms strongg good luck



  17. The most thing that i would say would probably run A LOT. and practice hitting the ball over something. also, work on your abs. That is the main thing you use. Also do sprints, wall jumps, push ups, and if you have a basketball goal then try rim jumps. Set the goal as high as it goes and jump touch the rim and keep doing them for as long as you can. This will help your legs get stronger and your jumps get higher. you need to be able to jump very high so, maybe jumping on a trampoline might help. i play volleyball, and it helps a lot!!

  18. You can to wall jumps where you literally face a wall and jump like you are blocking. try doing this for like two minutes straight it is difficult but will increase your vertical and help you in blocking. You can also do leg lifts. Any kind of excercise that will increase the strength of your calf muscles would be good. Good luck!

  19. running track and doing squats

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