
What is a group of rich and influential people called?

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What is a group of rich and influential people called?




  1. The game, I am the hunter.

  2. "Oligarchy"

  3. While I like Oligarchs, since it has been taken how about -


  4. Elites would be the most appropriate, since you mentioned "influential". Sociology uses this term ALOT

    Aristocrats is a good term, too. But it isn't used in Sociology.

    A slur for them would be "wasps".

  5. In the UK:

    In the 80s they were called Sloane Rangers.

    In the 90s they were called Yuppies.

    Not sure what they're called in the 0s - politicians I think!

  6. Aristocracy?

  7. usually they are called rich b******s but if they have a good personality they can be called pillars of the community

  8. Aristocrats.

    I am assuming when you say rich, you mean money.

  9. Republicans

  10. People who have family money are usually called aristocrats.  What they do with that money gives them other titles or nicknames such as socialite, heir or heiress, philanthropist, etc.

  11. WASP

    white anglo saxon protestant!

    u know its trueee

  12. Elitist.

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