
What is a hero? Are there any today? Where can we look for them?

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What is a hero? Are there any today? Where can we look for them?




  1. I think the true meaning of "hero" has been lost somehow. You hear of young people saying that an athlete is their "hero", or a movie star is their "hero". Check out the meaning in a dictionary.

  2. A hero is someone who is willing to go to extremes to help you out.  It comes in many forms from anything from a stranger who helps out a depressed kid thinking of suicide to someone who is willing to die for you.  There are hero's today, you need to look no further than our military.  They put their lives on the line for the freedom we posses.

  3. i agree with the one above me

  4. I agree with what Trudy above me says. That is my idea of a hero.

    The classic definition of "hero" doesn't exist in today's world.

    There are no knights in shining armor left. They are too busy working to pay their bills.

  5. There is a little hero in everybody, what i mean by hero, is, sombody who helps another person in pain or in need of something? My parents are my heros, my teacher is my hero, my past boss is my hero, my son is my heroMy sister is my hero and my angel, You dont need to look very far for a hero, I was told the other day that i was sombodys hero, when an elderly lady fell off one of our buses, and i helped her out brushed her off, and called 911, but a hero nooo, i was just there at the right time

  6. Webster's Dictionary defines "hero" as:

    1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

    2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal: He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child.

    3. the principal male character in a story, play, film, etc.

    4. Classical Mythology.

    a. a being of godlike prowess and beneficence who often came to be honored as a divinity.

    b. (in the Homeric period) a warrior-chieftain of special strength, courage, or ability.

    c. (in later antiquity) an immortal being; demigod.

    For me, a hero can by ANYONE who helps others selflessly, or anyone who stands up for what is good and true.

    look to your pastors, parents, local 4-H and Girls Scouts: volunteers are often selfless!

    look to your law enforcement officers, firemen, veterinarians, doctors, army veterans, etc. visit a retirement home and talk to the army veterans there and ask about their stories. They sacrificed their time and families to defend our freedom.

    Your mailman and newspaper delivery people get up everyday do make your day more comfortable.

    Sure, we could look at people like Oprah, Bono, or Jolie, but they have money to do great things. Look around at people who have NO MONEY and somehow manage to do GREAT THINGS.

    scan your newspaper for stories about local people who help others.

    hope that helped!

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