
What is a hoon?

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Is it just someone who drives recklessly? Or specifically a speeder?




  1. Its both or either i think.

    In the context of driving, a "hoon" is someone who drives recklessly and dangerously (eg: brunouts, donuts, speeding, cutting corners, street racing, etc), often whilst listening to loud music, with their windows down, and trying to look tough. The term is most often associated with young males (around the 17-25 age group) in hotted up cars.

    "Hooning" is recognized as a criminal activity in many states in Australia. In 2004 the WA government introduced anti-hoon laws, and then VIC in 2006. This allows police to charge people and impound their cars, for such 'hooning' offenses as burnouts, speeding, donuts, and those others mentioned above.

    People i know have had their cars confiscated and their license suspended because of doing stupid stuff in their cars and the police caught them.

    Check these out for more info:

  2. No not just a speeder, A hoon is a fool usually a "P" plater who thinks that they can drive better than anyone else, act like a complete tosser, do Burnouts all the time because they think no one has ever done that before, simply put, a young idiot acting a fool, usually in a car with friends, listening to c**p music and probably half drunk or stoned. In other words "A Wanker"

  3. As already mentioned a hoon is usually linked with a youth driver, but a 'hoon' can also be in reference to a individual or group of youth hanging around making alot of noise and trouble, they don't need to be in a vehicle to be a hoon.

    Wanker describes them perfectly =) Well said yahwhooo.

  4. Aussie Slang:

    Hoon - a show-off with limited intelligence.

    These days the word "hoon" usually refers to an young man who drives his powerful and noisy car in an extremely unsafe manner.

    Speeding, doing burn-outs and doing donuts etc.

    Keeping people awake half the night racing down suburban streets, with their idiot mates (who are also hoons).

    Any or all of these activities are known as hooning.

    Hooning is not exclusively to do with cars.

    People also hoon about on motorbikes, jet skis and motorboats.
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