
What is a human animal hybrid?

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What is a human animal hybrid?




  1. Currently, there is no such thing, but if you mean in terms of gene therapy and research it is this:

    Human DNA is put into empty cow ovums (eggs) and then grown for a short amount of time to harvest stem cells.

    They are then destroyed before they have multiplied a certain amount of times.

    They are certianly not human/animal hybrids that could ever come into life, they are simply a cluster of cells. However, the religious would argue that it is wrong, for various reasons.

  2. As far as I know there are only human animal hybrids in mythology - centaur, minotaur.  There is research going on with human animal embryos which is slightly different, and of course, you do have animal hybrids such as the liger which is part tiger part lion.

    However, these links might help.  Human animal embryo hybrids.

  3. Well a hybrid is a mixture, so i assume a human animal hybrid is a mixture of both.

    Minotaur from Greek mythology was part man part bull.

  4. wow! if this happens it would be great, but as knowledge of elementary science , it's not possible

  5. chimera

  6. Human- Animal hybrid is not possible with the present technology.Human sperms donot fertilize any animal ovum.If the theory of evolution was correct this would have been possible.This proves human creation is distinct and chromosomes or DNA cannot be matched to any animal.Human beings may be the first aliens on Earth.who knows?

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