
What is a human being's best natural defense against a Tiger?

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Let's say you're at the zoo checking out the chimps when a voice over the public address system frantically announces that Jenny the Siberian Tiger has escaped from her cage. You can hear the screams of everyone panicking and running around crazily. Even the chimps in the cage have moved all the way to the back of their cage and one looks you right in the eyes. When you turn around you see the giant orange and black striped tiger in front of you... With your back to a chimp cage and no way out, what do you do?




  1. Bite back.

  2. We have knowledge about animal behavior. We know not to run from the tiger, because it would defiantly see you as prey, or a play thing, and attack.

    I would say the best thing to do is to try to make yourself look bigger, make noise, and attempt to scare it off.

    However if this didn't work, good luck. Try to survive the attack the keepers, vets, and other staff will be along shortly.  ;-p

  3. Die, most likely.

  4. Our best defense is our brains and hands with opposable thumbs. You just grab the cheeks of the cat and push the flesh in between the jaws. It won't bite itself.

  5. if you were ever to actually encounter a situation like this, your best bet would be to first off stand still. don't make any sudden movements. if you start to run away, the tiger will see you as prey that is trying to escape, so it will be more likely to go after you.

    You should also try to puff yourself up and spread your arms out wide to make yourself look bigger. This will confuse the tiger into thinking that maybe you're a bit too big to go after.

    Also, make as much loud noise as you can. if you can find a stick or something nearby, start banging it on something as hard as you can to make more noise.

    finally if all else fails and the tiger still goes after you, the only thing you could do would be try to hit it in the face until it backs off.

    hope that helps a bit!

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