
What is a important date of judaism?

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  1. It is written that there are only three times in 6,000 years of Jewish history when Birkat Hachama falls on the 14th day of Nissan. (Kadosh Elyon - the 'Ostrovster Admor') These three times are:
    (1) Before the redemption from Egyptian bondage.
    (2) Before the miracle of Purim which was during Queen Esther in the Bible; and,
    (3) The year 5769 which is NOW -- 2009!!!

    "And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications:

    "And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn" (Zechariah 12:9-10).
    This prophecy from Zechariah is about a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will take place in the last days. A similar outpouring is described in Joel 2, which I believe to be Pentecost. That passage reads:
    "...A vineyard of red wine. I Yahweh do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day" (Isaiah 27:2-3).
    There Is Much in Elohim's Word About Two Rains - Two Outpourings!
    The two outpourings of the Spirit are referred to as the first (or former) rain and the last (or latter) rain:
    "And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day, to love the Yahweh your Elohim, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, that I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil" (Deuteronomy 11:13-14).
    The planting and harvest seasons in Israel were just the opposite of ours. The first rains fell from October to the end of December, just before planting season. These rains softened the ground. And the last rains fell from March through April, just prior to harvest. Those rains ripened the harvest.
    It is important to note that these two outpourings always had to do with the harvest: "...that thou mayest gather in..." (verse 14). And, beloved, if you want to judge any move of the Holy Spirit - to discern if it is of Elohim or of flesh - then use this criterion: The Spirit's work is always focused on the harvest of souls!
    It doesn't matter what kind of manifestations you see in any so-called revival. It is not a true movement of Elohim unless it is focused on the harvest! The Holy Spirit rains always fall to produce an ingathering of souls.
    1. Elohim poured out His Spirit in the former rain at Pentecost, to prepare the ground. This outpouring softened the ground for the gospel seed to be sown. Spirit-filled sowers were sent out from the Upper Room that day into all the world - to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth to make disciples of Messiah of Yosef.
    Messiah of Yosef has now seen almost 2,000 years of sowing and growing in a fallen Christianity - and it's harvest time! All who have died in Yahshua up to now represent the first fruits, or the early harvest. But Zechariah prophesies a final harvest - and that is the reason Yahshua has not yet come. Yahweh has been waiting patiently for His final, mighty harvest of the earth!
    "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Yahweh. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain" (James 5:7).
    2. Zechariah 12:10 is the promised latter rain that must precede the final harvest. The Yahweh is waiting patiently until His last rain is outpoured - because it will produce the final harvest!
    In the early part of this century, a Pentecostal movement began in Canada called the "Latter Rain Movement." It lasted perhaps forty or fifty years. Today, only a few "Latter Rain" called out ones remain.
    Yet those who were involved in that movement were convinced they were experiencing the Spirit's great, final outpouring. Many said, "This is it - we're seeing Zechariah 12:10 come to pass!" But the movement dissipated. And other such movements have come and gone also. Why? It is because they were not focused on the harvest!
    Many so-called Holy-Ghost movements vanished quickly because they were man-centered - focusing on gifts, blessings, self-improvement, happiness. Dancing, laughing, roaring, barking or any other manifestation attributed to the Holy Ghost is all flesh unless it produces a brokenheartedness for the lost and unsaved. If it is truly of the Spirit, it will result in a hunger and inclination to reach a lost and dying world!
    Yahshua tied the harvest to lost souls when He said,
    "Pray ye therefore Yahweh of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest" (Matthew 9:38).
    Any true outpouring of the Holy Spirit will focus on this prayer of Yahshua. And the few revivals documented as genuine all were blessed with great harvests of souls. There is no true revival without great ingathering of lost souls!
    Consider what happened as a result of Joel 2:28. At Pentecost, 3,000 people were saved in one day - and souls were added daily afterward! These believers then were thrust out into all the world to witness Yahshua to the lost.
    "Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest" (Isaiah 32:15).
    Isaiah is saying here, "When the Holy Ghost comes, He produces fruit for the harvest.
    Lost souls are won in abundance!"

    A Mighty, End-Time Outpouring Is Promised Upon the House of David!
    "...And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications..." (Zechariah 12:10).
    Messiah of Yosef has always had grace and supplication. But this verse is talking about a mighty infusion. It signifies something unusual, mighty, glorious!
    Now, I need to state here that I do not believe in replacement theology. In other words, I don't believe the New-Testament church can replace Israel in all the prophetic references of the Old Testament. Rather, I believe two sticks will be one stick in the hand of yahweh.
    I also believe that Elohim is going to pour out His Spirit upon the Judah on April 8, 2009 the last hour. There will be a revelation of Messiah of Yosef to Israel and Judah. For example, I believe Ezekiel 39:22-29 prophesies an outpouring of the Spirit upon the Judah after a great attempt by Israel's enemies to destroy her.
    Zechariah 12:10, however, is a prophecy spoken directly to Messiah of Yosef . It speaks of the house of David - and that means The called out ones. You see, Messiah of Yosef is the seed of David's house. And that house is comprised of all believers in Messiah of Yosef, both Jewish and Gentile Ephraim.
    "For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all" (Galatians 4:25-26). This the out pouring of Judah the mother of us all,the calling home of the sons of Israel /Ephraim.
    Paul elsewhere warns Gentile believers not to be boastful or proud that they have been grafted into His body. They are never to disparage Elohim's work among the Judah. On the other hand, it is also absolute blasphemy to rebuild all the walls that the Cross tore down. Yahshua broke down every wall between all people: you can not do away with TORAH.
    There Are Two Qualifications Prophesied About This Last Outpouring.
    The Bible says the Holy Ghost will be poured out as "...the spirit of grace and of supplications..." (Zechariah 12:10). Whenever the Spirit falls, these two things are always evident: a spirit of grace and a spirit of supplication.
    The book of Titus tells us that grace is given to us as power over sin, to enable us to live sober, holy lives:
    "For the grace of Elohim that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodly and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great Elohim and our Saviour Messiah of Yosef" (Titus 2:11-13).
    When the Spirit's latter rain comes, we are going to witness an even greater grace. Elohim is going to pour out on us a spirit of grace that will establish us in the truth of our justification. Yahweh will have a secure people who never doubt their salvation!
    Under this outpouring, the Spirit will move on Rabbi and ministers worldwide who have been lukewarm, in compromise. Elohim will smite these men with the conviction of His grace. The Spirit will show them, "The world is coming apart, and soon you will stand before Me. So you'd better start speaking to the hearts of these people. You'd better have My anointing when you stand in the waters!"
    This is a convicting spirit of grace that leads to repentance, producing Elohimliness and righteousness in Elohim's house. Of course, Elohim's grace has been manifested to His church for 2,000 years. We have known the doctrine of justification by faith. We have been sustained by grace. And wherever true grace has been preached, it has always been accompanied by a call for repentance and holy living.
    Yet I believe Zechariah 12:10 prophesies that in the very last hour, the Holy Ghost will fall mightily on Elohim's people with a spirit of grace that turns them completely from all worldliness. It will produce in them a cry for purity of heart!
    Rabbi and Minister will wake up to true "grace preaching" - the kind that convicts people of every hidden thing in their lives. And we are going to witness a convicting, sin-exposing, repentance preaching beyond anything ever seen in history. All unrighteousness, ungodiness and foolishness will be exposed. And those in Elohim's house will feel a "pressure" to do right!
    When the Holy Ghost comes down and exposes sin, they who have been lukewarm or in compromise become convicted. Those who don't yield to the Spirit's dealings ultimately become blind, unwilling to surrender. And, eventually, the pressure to live righteously drives them out the door. Beloved, the pressure to forsake sin and to do right is going to get hot and heavy in Elohim's last-day Bride!
    Elohim's Spirit Will Also Pour Out a Spirit of Supplication!
    The word supplication is never used in the word except to denote a cry or prayer that is vocalized. In other words, it is not private or merely a meditation. Supplication has to do with the voice!
    The Hebrew word for "supplication" signifies "an olive branch wrapped with wool, or some kind of cloth, waved by a supplicant seeking peace or surrender." These were called "branches of supplication." Simply put, they were flags of surrender. They signified a cry of total, unconditional surrender.
    Picture a battle-weary soldier, ragged and worn, tired and overwhelmed, stuck in a foxhole of self-will. He is all alone, weary and haggard, and he has come to the end of himself. So he breaks a branch off a tree. He ties his white undershirt to the end, lifts it, waves it and crawls out of his foxhole, crying, "I surrender - I give up!"
    That is supplication! It says, "I surrender - I can't fight this battle anymore. I'm lost and despairing."
    You see, supplication is not just calling on Elohim to do what you want. It is not begging or pleading with Him to assist you in your plans. On the contrary, it is a total giving up of your will and your way!
    For centuries many have called on Elohim while full of self-will, begging and crying, "Oh Elohim, send me here, send me there, give me this, give me that..." Ministers have prayed and pled, "Oh Elohim, bless my ministry, bless my projects. Send money and workers for my program!"
    But in the last days the Holy Ghost is going to fall with great power to produce a sense of spiritual bankruptcy. We will wake up to the fact that even with all our money, brains, programs, ministries and plans, we haven't even touched this world.
    (The truth is, we have lost ground. Christianity has become weak and pitiful!)
    I once preached, "All Elohim requires is a heartfelt cry, a desperate calling upon His name." But the Holy Spirit has shown me it takes much more than this to touch His heart.
    Malachi speaks of Elohim's people "...covering the altar of the Yahweh with tears, with weeping, and with crying out..." (Malachi 2:13). Yet the Yahweh did not receive or hear their cries - because the men of Israel were dealing treacherously with their wives. They were divorcing them and pursuing other women.
    These people didn't come before the Yahweh with a flag of surrender in hand, weeping and crying out, "Oh Elohim, my sin has overwhelmed me! I'm tired of fighting it on my own, tired of resisting the Holy Ghost. Deliver me!" If they had done this, Elohim would have heard them and delivered them.
    There has to be a surrender! Our cries must be accompanied by a willingness to surrender our sin - to give up everything in our life that is unlike Messiah of Yosef.
    Daniel's prayer demonstrates what supplication is all about:
    "Now therefore, O our Elohim, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Yahweh's sake. O my Elohim, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousness, but for thy great mercies" (Daniel 9:17-18).
    This is a cry of surrender - of absolute helplessness! Daniel was saying, "Oh Elohim, we've sinned against You - and we can't do anything about it! We're helpless, hopeless. We've rejected You and hurt You. And now we appeal to Your mercy. We surrender. We give it all over to You. Hear our supplication!"
    When the Holy Ghost Pours Out a Spirit of Supplication, We Will See Praying Such as the World Has Never Known!

    You can't manufacture inclination to pray. It is the result of the spirit of supplication! Elohim is doing what He promised in Zechariah 12:10.

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