
What is a jellyfish's purpose?

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Everything has a purpose but i am stumped when it comes to a jelly fish.




  1. Probably something like eating up some tiny little plancton things so the seas not over run by them. Or just to make me nervous when swimming in the sea.

  2. To take over the world.

    ... Or at least the seas.

    And they're doing a great job!

    Did you know that they are taking over Japanese waters? and that the j**s attempts to slaughter them all only INCREASES their reproduction rate as they release sperm and eggs when they are killed?

    They are a supreme species...

    No, seriously they just keep everything in balance.

  3. To hurt like a @(#%&^ when you touch one.

    Seriously though . . . look under "Importance to Humans" below . . .

  4. to sting you.  Does anyone know what the purpose of the mosquito is?  I hate those little suckers.

  5. making jelly for it's undersea friends?

  6. Organisms do not need a purpose, they just need a niche in which they can be successful. You can argue that they have a role in a stable ecosystem, but that is not their purpose.

    E.g. spiders are good at catching flies, but they don't do it to keep fly numbers down for us, a god or the ecosystem. They do it to survive and to provide themselves with nutrients so that they can effectively pass on their genetic material!

    Therefore, to summarize - jellyfish do not have a purpose

  7. Depending on the species, Jellyfish help control the numbers of small microscopic living creatures and small fish.  They themselves, are also food for other animals.

    And, least of all, they bring beauty, grace, and fascination into our lives.

  8. The purpose of a jellyfish is swimming at the surface of a sea.

  9. i dunno the purpose, but it says here that it's a great source of foood. hope this helps

  10. IDK but turtles seem to like them, for lunch that is.

  11. I bet the jellyfish thinks the same thing about you.

  12. Why does it have to have a purpose?

    What's YOUR purpose?  What's MY purpose?  I certainly don't know!

  13. Jellyfish are an important source of food to the Chinese community and in many Asian countries.

    A group of jellyfish is called a 'smack'.

  14. They are part of the food chain,  especially to sea turtles

  15. Humans eat jellyfish.

  16. What's the purpose of any living creature?

  17. Your guess is as good as mines.

  18. That's the biggest philosophical question of all. What is the purpose of anything?

    Maybe they are just there to freak you out when you are at the beach.

  19. Why do we have to measure everything in terms of usefulness to us humans? The world doesn't revolve around us!

    Jellyfish fit perfectly into the ecosystem they live in, otherwise they wouldn't be able to exist. They play an important role in the undersea food chain. Although they are relatively small and simple creatures, they're responsible for helping maintain balance in the delicate ecosystem of the ocean.

  20. Contribution to the food chain and marine ecosystem

  21. purpose..hmmmm...goood questionnn..

  22. The jellyfish is made up of between 94-98 % water!  In 1961 a purpose was found. In 1961, green fluorescent protein (GFP) was discovered in the jellyfish Aequorea victoria by scientists studying bioluminescence. This protein has since become a quite useful tool in biology.

  23. Strangely enough, a jelly fishs' purpose is exactly the same as yours.  We all have a tiny role in the balance of life on earth. Including you. Including the jelly fish.

  24. Nothing has a purpose. Though it is true that all organisms mesh with other organisms in terms of what eats what and other interactions such as bees and flowers.

    These are the result of evolution.

  25. To make baby jellyfish.

  26. To zap people, and laugh at there pain.

  27. they are the earth's last resort to keep the fish and plankton population under control

  28. to give us a nasty sting

    A jelly is an invertebrate made up mostly of water, it has no heart, brain or bones. It is made up of 96% water, 3% protein and 1% minerals.

  29. they depict our dreams

    (some legend may say that they represent the soul of drowned sailors)

    they are beautiful!

  30. jellyfish used to be a big deal in China. they were a delicacy.

  31. They have a purpose in life as does everything else.  

    Jellyfish are passive feeders that eat small fish and zoo plankton that get caught up in their tentacles. In their ecosystem they are top predators. If you take this predator away, the smaller prey species become too numerous, which will lead to other sorts of problems.

    They are an important food source for the Chinese and many Asian countries.

    They also provide a green fluorescent protein which is used in biological studies.

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