
What is a job I can get at thirteen?

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What are some places that would hire me. If I cant get a job are there are alternatives to getting money at my age?




  1. shovel snow.

  2. There aren't any places that would actually hire you. The most you can do at 13 is babysit, mow lawns, shovel snow, etc.

  3. unfortunately, 13 year- olds are not legally allowed to work for a company unless that company is owned by family

    however, you can do volunteer work at hospitals, animal shelters, wherever volunteer work programs are up and running

    doing volunteer work requires a resume, but it will give you an upper hand when getting a job later in life because it will prepare you for the responsibility of having a job

  4. Babysitting

  5. the legal working age is 16 but places will hire people at 15,so you won't be able to get hired by a store or anything,your best bet would be babysitting like the person above me said,or you can try cutting grass and things like that around your neighborhood  

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