
What is a journal entry ?

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I am going to college part time and I am taking english102. It has been more than 10 years since I have been in school so I am a little confused. The professor asked the class to read a journal entry and then write a 1 page journal entry after we have read the text. What is meant by a journal entry ?




  1. Journal entry would be your written thoughts/ journaling (like blogging) about the topic you read in this case, though often it is open for free writting on any given topic.

  2. Thoughts about the journal in general. What you think of his/her writing style. What it made you think of. How you reacted to it. You'd be surprised how quickly one page goes by when you are just writing and not really thinking. Good luck!!!

  3. Just put the date in your journal and put in whatever you're supposed to write about (that'd be an entry in your journal- hence the name journal entry).

  4. Journal entries are similar to diary entries.  They are your personal ideas, thoughts.  You professor would like you to write your thoughts, ideas, questions, about the assigned piece.

  5. I agree with the second person who answered you.  A journal entry is just entry in any journal, similiar to a diary, but less personal, most of the time.  YOUR journal entry should be written in your words, as to what your thoughts were to the journal entry you read.

  6. I'm guessing it's like this (although, don't listen to me I'm probably wrong)




    and then your done?

    or maybe you start it out like

    Dear Journal,

    like a diary?

  7. Each of the answers below a question here could be considered a journal entry. Each entry has a time stamp which tells you when that entry was made. Just because they are answers instead of entries about your love life, makes yo difference. Any diary, with dated entries is a journal. I think the instructor has asked you to read entries in a journal, and paraphrase your own from what you have read. What journal did your instructor tell you to read for this assignment? You might also think of a journal as a logbook, in which dated entries are made with significants of the day in say, the daily operation of a business, recording who completed what tasks, who were assigned tasks to complete tomorrow, that sort of thing. The key point about a journal, diary or logbook is that each entry has a date and time to fix the information relative to other events of record in the journal.

  8. Example: I saw a pumpkin in the garden- journal entry

    I saw a very large pumpkin growing in the garden. It is orange in color.

    The vine has several other pumpkins, growing on it. They vary in size

    and color. There are green ones and some that look a little yellowish.

    Soon they will be ready for picking....etc...etc... - journal entry

    Hope this helps.


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