
What is a kangeroo???

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What is a kangeroo???




  1. its an animal that lives in australia. they like to jump

  2. A jumping marsupial that we have on our coat of arms as well as our dinner table.

  3. A low level court!

  4. theres no such thing as a kangeroo... there is such thing as a kangaroo... its a marsupial which is a type of animal that has a pouch.

  5. They're Aussie for a start! :)

    They're brown marsupials who have the ability to leap long distances. Their young is carried in a pouch.

  6. An animal

  7. A true australian. Beware of cheap imitations.

  8. A kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae.In general, larger kangaroos have adapted much better to changes wrought to the Australian landscape by humans and though many of their smaller cousins are endangered, they are plentiful. They are not farmed to any extent, but wild kangaroos are shot for meat, although there is some controversy, harvesting kangaroos for meat has many environmental and health benefits over other meats. Enough info?

  9. It is an animal that only lives in Austraila. go to Yahoo and/or google Images.

  10. A gas station

  11. A kangaroo is a large rat that learned how to box  after eating steroids for 40 million years.

    It's also a mammal and a marsupial, and not very tasty.
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