
What is a large/medium breed of dog that is EXCELLENT with cats???

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I mean NO funny business with the kitties! I'm not looking for a dog, but a friend is. Are Greyhounds? She HATES small dogs like Chihuahuas and Poodles and loves dogs like Greyhounds, Collies, Huskies, and Old English Sheepdogs. It MUST be absolutely comfy with ANYTHING to do with cats- kittens excluded- like hissing, running, purring...

Thank you!!!




  1. shiba inus

  2. whether or not a dog is good with cat's has nothing to do with the breed. It's purely to do with their temparement, different personalities - like humans. :)

  3. If you go to a shelter or a rescue the dogs will have been tested to see if they are ok with cats...tell your friend to start there.  

    I really don't think you can say that all of one breed likes cats and all of another doesn't...I think it is on a individual basis.

  4. I love the personality of a old english sheepdog. They are so sweet.

  5. labradors, Golden's, and shih tzu's. I have a lab and shih tzu and 2 cats. I introduced my dogs to my cats when they were 7 and 8. They sleep together, clean each other, and even eat and play together.

    It really doesn't matter about the breed as long as you socialize early.

  6. You can't just ask for a breed as it's all on a case by case, dog by dog basis. Plus you need to take into account of the cats reaction to the dog. The dog may have no problem with the cat(s) but if it's aggressive towards the dog you're still going to run into issues. I have heard that border collies are very smart medium sized dogs as a suggestion to start looking.

  7. I have a german shepard.  She was raised with a full grown cat and is now 3 yrs old.  Kitties are babies to her.  I have recently gotten a kitten who is about 3 months old now and he loves being with the dog.  They are not timid and shy around each other either.  That kitten likes picking fights.  The dog has never hurt him but has let him know when to back off.  All of my cats have gotten along with her.  The worst for them is the dog gets excited to see them and splat goes the cat (dog has big paws).  They just take it in stride.  Most of it is going to depend on the cat and the dog if they want to get along.  My cats like to run and the dog likes to chase.  My sister had a husky that was a good dog but thought cats were for killing.  They got rid of her.  Good Luck.

  8. Border Collies, Cocker Spaniels and Golden Retrievers are all good with cats :D

  9. Honestly, it all depends on the dog. I would get one that isn't meant for hunting or herding. All dogs have the instinct to chase something that runs, there isn't a breed that doesn't. Just make sure that the dog has had prior association with cats if possible, or try the dog out for a few days first. And PLEASE adopt.

  10. it all depends no dogs are completly shure to be nice with cats it depends....there are too many good medium sized dogs do researches on internet google...!!hope this helps

  11. I have 4 German Shepherd dogs. One was raised with my cats, the other three came into the house as adult dogs from a rescue group. Two of the GSDs ignore the cats most of the time. The other two love the cats and the cats adore them.One of my cats will grab hold of one of the dog's head and groom him, then lets the dog groom her. The cats run all over and the dogs never chase of harass them in any way.

  12. the best dog to get for that is a great pyrenees puppy.

    when they are raised around something, like cats, and when they get older, if someone other than the family if someone else is messing with that cats, the dog will warn the person to stay away.

    great pyrenees are the best for that!

    greyhounds arent, they see cats as prey, collies are too hyper to be around cats, and the cats will get tired of being herded, huskies are wayyy to hyper to be around cats, one of my friends had a siberian husky raised around cats, and one day the dog attacked and killed all the cats, andthe sheepdog is also too much of a herding dog.

    great pyrenees are really good.

  13. Its usally easier to get a dog as a puppy and have it around the cat so they get used to eachother...because basically any dog can get along with cats if you train them right

  14. Well... Some of these:

    Shiba Inu:

    Sweet, Gentle. This dog breed is a cat at heart, lies

    around, loves to play. Japan's #1 favorite dog.


    Loyal, devoted, friendly. This dog would do anything to save his owner or pet friend. One of Japan's Fav dogs.

    and NO, I am not from Japan, I just like Japanese dogs.

    I would stay away from Retrievers (Labradors included) and Hounds, because:

    Hounds: Sniffers. They are bred to go after badgers, squirrels, racoons, etc. So may have the tendency to chase a cat.

    Retriever: Watchers. They are bred to retrieve duck, bird, game bird, squirrels, etc. So may have the tendency to chase a cat mistaking it for a bird or squirrel. I have a Lab mix and does what described.

  15. It really depends on the dog. I would tell your friend to go to your local animal shelter, or look on line for a shelter close by. And when she goes tell her to ask for help in which dogs are cat friendly. A lot of dogs actually like cats. Mine sleep together! Good luck.

  16. I have 3 cats and a Australian Shepperd, my dog absoluteley loves cats he lets my kitten nurse off of him and i think its so cute, he has saved my cats out of the pool multiple times.i use to have a australian shepperd like two years ago that guarded my cats from other dogs.

    i think that australian shepperds and cats are born to be together and australian shepperds are so cute!

    hope you get the rigth one,


  17. Any dog if you train them to be nice.  Greyhounds are wonderful with cats as long as it's not a retired greyhound from the track.  You have to remember, they were trained to chase and "kill" the fuzzy bunny.  So to them cats are fuzzy bunnies.  If she's getting an adult, make sure it has history being around cats, if she's getting a puppy, then you can easily teach the puppy not to be mean to the kitties.

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