
What is a learning disability with short term memory?

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a 12 year old that can not read or remember anything she is taught in school on a daily basis.




  1. Could be dyslexia too; short term auditory memory is one aspect of dyslexia.  Ask school for a full psychological assessment.

  2. Hi im a mature guy who hadthe same problem as a child in fact I still have .Couldnt do exams to save my life,but like me there are probablycompensations you may not be aware of yet. I have had a happy and rewarding life with a good standard of living.try not to let this 12 year old get too down about it

  3. You need to get your child assessed by a professional, some one like an educational psychologist. If you are in the UK, go into school and ask for a common assessment. Once you have asked for a common assessment the school must put in a referral to the educational psychologist and they then have to assess the child. Good luck.

  4. adhd or asbergers autisum can lead to these or as something as simple as needing eye exam

  5. May be attention defecit disorder?

    I saw this study done in the UK on children with learning diabilities and they were treating them with fish oil.Fish oil or Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid but is not manufactured in the human body.It can be found in a number cold water fish such as salmon and mackerel.Omega-3 is critical for brain function,allowing the neurotransmitters of the brain to better communicate with each other.One of the main properties of Omega-3 is is an anti-inflammatory agent.Research shows that people with depression and other brain related problems may suffer from inflammation and this impairs brain function.I am not trying to over simlify your problem,but try giving your daughter some fish oil every day.You can buy fish oil or omega-3 at any pharmacy or vitamin shop or even on line.Google info on Omega-3.I first became interested because of my nephew.Frustrated with doctors and conventional medicene I told my sister to try it and the results are good.It is not expensive,no side effects and you have nothing to lose.I hope I may have been of some help to you.

  6. forgetfulness

  7. You have to work with a child like that on a daily basis.  You need to teach them something for 15 minutes at a time and then go over it with them every day so they will remember.  You should have the child read every night, even if it is for 10 minutes and every so many weeks move it up to 15 minutes of reading.  Also, make sure the child has a quiet place to learn, these kind of children get distracted very easily.

  8. Children with a learning disability have difficulty in collecting, categorizing, and/or performing on

    verbal and nonverbal information. Generally, children with learning disabilities have trouble

    understanding or using written or spoken language. The difficulty is due to a neurological

    difference in brain structure or functioning. Learning disabilities are disorders that cause the brain

    to process information in a way that obstructs learning. Most children with learning disabilities

    have average, nearly-average, or above average intelligence. Untreated, learning disabilities can

    prevent a child from mastering the basics and damage self-esteem and self confidence with

    lifelong effects.

    School is often the setting where a child’s learning disability first becomes apparent. Areas of you

    may notice problems are the following:

    •        language development and language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and spelling)

    •        social studies

    •        mathematics

    •        social skills

    •        motor skills (fine motor skills, as well as coordination)

    •        cognitive development and memory

    attention and organization

    •        test-taking

    However, their academic performance, as measured by standardized tests, is below what one would expect of someone of their

    intelligence, age, and grade level. Therefore, a person with a learning disability may score poorly on tests, but the low scores are

    due to a problem with learning, not to low intelligence.

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