
What is a legit way to make money online or work from home?

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What is a legit way to make money online or work from home?




  1. Have you ever thought of Network marketing as a line of work. Becoming a distributor with a first rate company check out my page you might just like what you read.

  2. I have 3 small children and researched long and hard for a work at home job. I really wanted to contribute to my family and keep my kids with me during the day. So I did lots of research and I found a great career! I recently have come across a home-based business opportunity with no large investment, no inventory and no risk. It is an Inc. 500 manufacturing company. I work from home with a company that manufactures products that we're already buying elsewhere, but they are better, safer & healthier. We just help set up customer accounts and the company pays us to do so. It has benefited our family so much! I never have to leave my house to be successful! If you would like some more information, please feel free to ask me about how I made it happen for my family! I would love to share the information about our company! I think if you hear all the details about working for this company it will make so much sense to you.

  3. I suggest you try this site

    It's very easy, all you do is view ads for 30 seconds each and earn money. It's that simple. Also, there is no credit card required. Refer friends and family to stack up even more money! Just click some ads for a couple of minutes each day and watch your profits grow!

    When you sign up, my name (kameron92009) will appear in the referer's box. Please do not delete this, as it helps to build the community and your place in it. Thanks :)

  4. yes there is an answer to this!  try yuwie.  i have been a member for two months and i'm having fun making money.  sounds impossible right?  yuwie is a social network similar to myspace and facebook.  but, you get paid for page views, referrals, and your referrals page views.  i thought this site was too good to be true but i love it!  i am in college and it is a good way to make some extra cash simply by socializing online.  there is no start up fee!  just follow this link.  i will message you (or anyone who sees this and joins) once you join with some helpful tips!  hope to see you there!

  5. Try some online jobs which are real and genuine

    try it here


  6. its very very difficult to make a decent income while doing data entry from home, and you're unlikely to get the names of genuine employers in a public place like this.

    I'd recommend doing a search of the previous 'best answers' on yahoo, I got some good information that way.

  7. There are many paid to click programs on the internet. You could try one of these:

    They all pay you about 1 cent per click which can multiply when you reffer people to them. You could also try paid to search with which you can earn money by simply searching as you would do anyway

    or you could try the paid for link program, which gives you money every time you link pages using their url

    Most of these programs use Alertpay to pay you. You can register here

  8. One of the best ways is to participate in the survey programs, they pay you according  to the size of the survey. No fee to register with.

  9. you can dedicate yourself to selling items on ebay. for example you buy good seat tickets to good concerts , games or performances  and then sell it on ebay.  theres always someone that waits for the last minute to buy tickets and they cant find them or they get sucky seats.


    Check that out, it's a FREE email course aimed to teach people how to make money online. It's all about affiliate marketing and it will show you all the best ways to promote and sell products for profit. I joined ages ago and I'm so glad I did, I have learnt so much and made so much :)

    Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and most commonly used ways to make money online, so you might want to check it out. To join, simply enter your first name and email address in the boxes and hit the submit button!

  11. Hi Jessica,

    you may try to sell pictures online through microstock agencies, you don't need to be a professional photographer either

    you can start selling pictures which you already have, and then take some more

    I tried most of those listed here:

    my best earners are (in order):

    1. fotolia

    2. shutterstock

    3. dreamstime

    4. 123rf

    the other ones are only selling some pictures now and then for me;

    it may seem that microstock sites like these sell pics at very low prices, but what counts is quantity, you will sell the same pictures many times as royalty free, and - unless you choose esclusivity - you can even sell the same pics at more sites

    in total I earn about 400$/month with a few hundred pictures online but the more you upload the more you sell

    i would suggest to register to fotolia first (since they don't require a test) and then shutterstock; don't be discouraged by initial rejections, you will quickly learn which pictures they want

    subscription to all is free

    they will pay you with paypal

  12. Have you tried blogging, it is free to start? I pay over a thousand a month to bloggers to blog about my company. Most make $5-$10 starting out per post. Once you are credible and get a higher PR website some bloggers make $20+ per post. I use PayperPost. Also listing a legit business opportunity I am involved with below.

    I am a titanium powerseller on Ebay to give you a little background so you know I am legit and know what I am talking about. There is a new business opportunity that just started a couple of months ago but has been in the works for over 3 years. It works with Ebay so you know it is legit. Ebay is a multi Billion dollar business and you now have the opportunity to be apart of that. Doesn't cost much like a lot of home businesses only $29 per month. You earn up to $35 per new customer and up to 75% in commissions from Ebay just by giving out Free software. When they use the software your Ebay affiliate ID is embedded in the software and you get the commission - 100% of it. Plus 5 more ways to make money.

    I see this as being one of the next big home businesses since it is one of the first that uses Ebay. Most home businesses only last a couple of years but with the backing of Ebay I don't see how anyone wouldn't join this opportunity. I am already doing well making more money than the $29 so already in profit. I am a titanium powerseller so I let everyone know about the new free software and then I get paid anytime they buy something from Ebay even if it isn't from me. Here is the free software so you can check it out:

    Amazon and Overstock have now heard about the MyShoppingGenie and are working on an affiliate program just so they can be apart of this too.  Now can you start too see the power, technology, income potential with MyShoppingGenie - Ebay, Amazon, and Overstock does?

  13. any commission based sales position. a lot of them it takes unatural talent and training to be succesful at. But search the product and if you believe in it, you can sell it.

    another option is to search craigs list by checking the telecommute box. They are few and far between though.

  14. Hi! It is good to learn that you are interested in Work from Home and earn some Extra Income. You have to remember following Points:

    1. 99% Websites offering Work from Home Jobs are SCAM.

    2. You have to find Website that Provide Authentic and Legitimate Work from Home Jobs.

    3. Money is Not Going to fall from Sky. You have to work for it.

    I suggest you to visit: will provide you Authentic and Legitimate Work from Home Jobs. No Scam. No Catch. No Gimmick. No Investment. No Fee. No registration. Just Real ones. will provide you information on:

    (1) How to earn Money from Home / Office / Café

    (2) Work from Home Directory

    (3) Work from Home Leads

    (4) Online Money Making Tips…and more…

    So Visit:

    Another Excellent Option that you have is to join Hubpages. Hubpages is FREE to join and Helps you to make money through Google Adsense, e-bay and Amazon.

    You can Join Hubpages here:

    But Mind you. Hubpages is Addictive.

    If you like my answer then please Appreciate it by selecting it as the BEST ANSWER.

    Good Luck!!!

  15. Hi Jessica,

    There are many ways to make money online. The real trick is sorting out the legitimate money-makers from all the scams that are out there (many of which get listed at Yahoo Answers, I'm afraid).

    There's a terrific list at eHow that gives more than 25 legitimate ways to make money online.  The list covers everything from writing (articles, blogs), to selling photography, to (believe it or not) getting paid for online jury duty, surveys, and focus groups.

    There's even a site for making money listening to music and rating it, and another for playing online games.

    None of the sites in the article ask you for any money.  And while they won't make you rich, you can begin to build up a respectable income.

    Check it out at:

    How to make money on the internet, scam-free

    The list is updated regularly, so you may want to check it once a week or so.

    Two other lists worth checking out are these:

    Legitimate money-making sites

    Twenty Scam Free Ways to Make Money Online

    Good luck!


  17. There are quite a few different legitament ways to make money online or working from home.  There's three answers to this question.  You didn't ask for ideas, or specify what your looking for, so here's three legitament ways to make money online (or work from home).

    For online work: If you really want to work online, I suggest you start your own business.  Your best bet is to partner up with a company that direct sales a product. That's what we did. You can create a web site, or have the company set up a web site for you to sale the products and services. Or collaborate with different companies. After you've set it up, you'll have to generate traffic to your site as means of either advertisement (which you'll have to spend a lot of money doing) or the more effective way is word of mouth and referals, which are free and more effective. Partner up with a company that gives you monthly earnings from services that you put people on either by in person, phone or from your web site. When someone gets on the services, the company pays you a percentage of that person's billing every single month, month after month for the referal from you by word of mouth or by your web site.

    Once you decide on a product or products and services, you need to start driving "traffic" to your web site. A lot of work but well worth the effort when your income starts going and rapidly increases. The most effective way I've found is simply word of mouth and referrals. We've had our business for over six years and this has been the most effective way. Loyal customers bring in more customers by the way you treat them, the quality of the items you have and the timely matter of the service you provide. Get a product and or service that's high in demand. There's actually quite a few industries that you can do this with.

    As far as your part of the question working from home.  There's a few different things you can do.  One is apply somewhere for a home job.  Understand that home jobs only pay minimum wage.  After taxes are taken out, your take home becomes below minimum wage.

    If this isn't a sufficient amount of income, then your next alternative to working from home is to have a home based business.  There are lot's of industries to look through for home based business opportunities.  The income potential is higher then a regular job.  You also have the same income opportunity as a traditional business without all the over head expenses.  Most everything you use in your home on a daily bases becomes a tax write off.

    So, there are quite a few different ways to work from home and to make money online.

  18. This z d only site i really get paid...

    No need for us to pay anything

    Azk any questions,answer other questions

    earn money.

    Tiz workz like google adsenze.

    u r watching tv programme -that channel get paid for displaying adz......Tiz workz like d zame. u r participating and answering general questions and asking any general questionz..They will get profit from their adz........

    See ur money update every day...

    Get paid through paypal.(Online Bank).......ENCASH IT BY REQUESTING PAYPAL CHECK..r purchase anything online and pay by paypal...(,,.....)

  19. have been earning some money by taking online surveys from Planet Pulse, one of the largest online survey communities in Asia.  I'm giving you my Planet Pulse link.

    Just click on this link,

    and complete the registration form.

    If you do it now, you stand to win a Handycam, DVD Player or IPOD Shuffle.

    Once you join, you will receive online surveys from Planet Pulse where they pay up to USD 50 for every completed survey.

    and here is one more

    Corp Scan Online is a Research Organization administering Online surveys which pays cash to their respondents at every stage directly into their bank account and delivers gifts at their door step. Corp Scan Online is the Premier Survey Organisation having Transnational Presence. Feedback from respondents of Corp Scan Online indicates that they are the most reliable online survey organisation adn are paying their respondents on time. Corp Scan rewards you in the form of incentive points for taking up survey and. Corp Scan Online pays you even for referring to your colleagues, friends, family, relatives and others. Corp Scan sends you an invitation e-mail soliciting your participation. You can redeem at your discretion in cash or gifts or both

    click the link below

  20. The work from home jobs that aren't scams actually require work on your part - and if you're in need of money soon then you're likely to be sorely disappointed in any of those as well. Most of the legit opportunities out there take time to build - so if someone makes an outrageous claim of income it probably isn't true ( and those that are true sure didn't make that kind of money when they first began ).


    Time & effort required - but do your own research on what is best for you, don't take the advice of myself and others as gospel from this type of forum.

    I have other ideas that may help - one of them is an online opportunity but another is one that will require a little effort to market yourself - try some data entry for local businesses, many of them don't have the time to do it in-house and will gladly pay someone else to do it. Professionals are a good place to start, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, etc - they need their "in-house" folks doing other things rather than busy work.

    Hope it helps!

  21. You should try mystery shopping. It is a lot of fun. You get paid to shop, eat out, and perform other tasks to make sure that companies are good to their customers. Watch out for scams though. Don't pay for any kind of list of mystery shopping companies. Some of the shops pay pretty well too. If you want more information go to:

    I use this company and they are legit. Hope that helps!

  22. Hello,

    Do your own online business. Google adsense is the best online job from home. Visit this site, I think you may get some useful informations that you are looking for.

  23. Shown on Oprah and 20/20


    Get Your PAYPAL CASH Gift Today!

    This thing really works, all you have to do is be honest and you will love the benefits. This is a great way to make money using paypal.


    With just $5 and a Paypal PREMIER or BUSINESS account, you could make

    $$Thousands$$ in 2 SIMPLE STEPS!



    two weeks. Only $5, a Paypal PREMIER or BUSINESS account and 30 min are

    all to get this going. GIFTING MADE EASY ,PLEASE READ ON TO FIND OUT

    HOW...If you want to make a few thousand dollars real quick, then

    please take a moment to read and understand this program I'm sharing

    with you. NO IT'S NOT what you think. YOU DON'T have to send $5 to five

    or six people to buy a report, receipt or get on their mailing list.

    Nor will you need to invest more money later to get things going. THIS

    IS THE FASTEST, EASIEST PROGRAM EVER, you will be able to complete it

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    This is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to earn serious money online that

    you've ever seen so far in the history of the Internet! This program

    works no matter what country you are in, or what currency you use. It

    doesn't matter how old or how young you are. And you certainly won't

    need any special knowledge or talent. You won't need to run a website,

    or make phone calls, or make photocopies, or send out letters through

    the mail, or pay for advertising, etc. The only things you will need


    * An email address

    * A Premier or Business PayPal account with at least $5 deposited in it

    * 30 minutes of your time


    If you are doing other programs, by all means stay with them. The more

    the merrier, BUT PLEASE READ ON!! First of all, there are only TWO

    POSITIONS, not four, five or six like many other programs. This program

    is more realistic and much, MUCH FASTER. Because it is so easy, the

    response rate for this program is VERY HIGH and VERY FAST, and you will

    receive your reward in FOURTEEN DAYS. That's only TWO WEEKS - not one

    or two months. Just in time for next months BILLS. TRUE STORY --> June

    Alscar tells how she ran this gifting summation four times last year.

    The first time, she received $6,000+ in cash in two weeks and then

    $14,000+ in cash the next three times. When this program is continued,

    as it should be, EVERYONE PROFITS!! DON'T BE AFRAID to send gifts to

    strangers. It will come back to you ten folds. A person can gift you up

    to $10,000 per year and you don't have to report it to the IRS.


    in 50 message boards, chat rooms, or newsgroups. You don't need to post

    200 like others programs or email 40 people just to get started.

    Even if you are already in a program like the send six dollars to six

    people. CONTINUE IT and stay with it, THOSE DO PAY OUT, but do yourself

    a favor, DO THIS ONE TODAY as well, RIGHT NOW!!! It is simple and takes

    a very small investment, only $5 and a Paypal PREMIER or BUSINESS


    This program WILL PAY FASTER before the other programs you are working

    on even trickle in! Just give one person $5. THAT'S IT! Follow the

    simple instructions and in two weeks, you should have $10,000 because



    PLUS, since it's done all ONLINE, there is no time wasted mailing out

    letters and such ! ! We are not even figuring a 10% response! So let's

    all keep it going and help each other in these tough times. We all owe

    money to bill collectors, and creditors. But, with this, if people take

    the time to help each other, the good fortune will follow. SO, Take the

    measly minutes this SIMPLE and REWARDING program offers and give the

    gift that gives back TODAY!.

    Simply send a $5 gift to the person at POSITION #1, if your birthday is

    BETWEEN JAN 1 THRU JUNE 30, OR, if your birthday is BETWEEN JULY 1 THRU

    DEC 31, send the gift to the person at POSITION # 2. HERE'S WHAT YOU

    NEED TO DO. . .

    STEP 1 Ok, if you're not already a PayPal user, the very first thing

    you need to do is use the PayPal link below and SIGN UP. It takes just

    two minutes! Here's the URL: Be sure to use this

    link so you can sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account. You'll

    need to have a PREMIER or BUSINESS account (and not a PERSONAL account)

    otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other


    STEP 2 It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give

    in order to receive. So the first thing to do when you have your

    Premier/Business PayPal account is to IMMEDIATELY send a $5 payment

    from your PayPal account to the email address in the position (1 or 2 -

    depending on your birthday in the timeline), along with a note saying:

    "HERE IS A $5 GIFT FOR YOU." Be certain to add this note, as this is

    what KEEPS THIS PROGRAM LEGAL. Instructions on how to send a payment

    are under "SEND MONEY" at the Paypal Site. It's so Easy!!

    When you send your $5 payment to either address in the list, do it with

    a great big smile on your face because "as you sow, so shall you reap!"

    After you have transferred a $5 payment to the email address, something

    very eerie happens. It gives you an indescribable, overwhelming sense

    of certainty, belief and conviction in the system. You've just proved

    to yourself that, because you have done it, there must be a great

    number of other people ready to do exactly the same. Thus you have now

    seen for yourself, first hand, that this business actually works!

    REMOVE the email address you are replacing (the one you sent $5 to),

    and REPLACE it with your own email address. REMEMBER: Use the same

    EMAIL ADDRESS that is used with YOUR Paypal account ! !

    Paste your newly typed email address over the old one and then post to

    50 Message Boards, Chat Rooms, or Newsgroups. DON'T MULL OVER IT, JUST





    POSITION#2 --- )


    KEEPS ON GIVING. This is excellent seed money to start or expand a

    business, buy your dream home, car and pay off whatever bills you may

    have. Good luck and God Bless.Play fairly and good fortune will follow.

    WHY THIS PROGRAM WORKS: Straight to the point, the reason this program

    is SO SUCCESSFUL is because this in 50 different message boards, there

    are only TWO outcomes (1) A person's birthday will fall on the same

    half as yours YOU GET $5.00..OR (2) A person's birthday will fall on

    the other half of the timeline, therefore, YOU STAY IN YOUR POSITION

    posted in 50 other MESSAGE BOARDS, etc.

    BOTTOMLINE: Either you get the $5 or your name gets passed on for other

    people to give YOU $5 or pass YOUR name on to other people that will.

    It makes you think though, the more you post YOUR OWN POSTS, the BETTER






    So there it is. You now have the knowledge that will enable you to make

    over $10,000 within the next few weeks. The only thing that can hold

    you back now is a lack of faith or a lack of self-belief. However, any

    doubts you may currently have will disappear within a few days of

    putting this plan into practice. Trust me on this! You certainly won't

    regret it.

    Best Regards,

    P.S. Does this sound too good? Well maybe to some skeptics it is. But

    it actually works, and is worth the 30 minutes of your time now. So,

    just make a nice cup of tea and get started on it now. After all, you

    can't lose, and you stand to gain more in the next few weeks than many

    people earn in a year!

  24.  has offers for money and if you sign someone up you get a 20% commision on there earnings and they actualy pay you to unlike alot of others just ask anyone if they've been paid by cashcrate or treasure trooper on yahoo awnsers or look at the people who have alredy asked it the only people that say its a scam are people who havent tried it!

    Hope this helps


    its not a get rich thing the most you will probly make is $100(first month)if you spend all day every day on the computer, the only way you can make a living off this program is by getting like 100+ hard working referals (good luck youll need it because most people think if its online and involves $ then its a scam, but ask anyone who has acctualy tried it and they'll tell you it pays!)

  25. There are many ways to make money online. I offer you to try all of them. Follow the link and start learning how to start making money for free

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