
What is a level when it comes to Stadium Stands?

by Guest56772  |  earlier

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There are supposedly 7 levels at Suncorp Stadium, but I can only see 3. So why is that and also, why are the sections started at like 213 or 235?






  1. I cannot see the sections starting at 213 or 235, I can see it starting at 301, 506, 601, and 704.

    To get some idea of why you only see 3 levels when there are in fact 5 levels, I will explain later.  It is 7 levels, with 5 above ground, and 2 below ground.  That is why the first above ground level starts at 301, not 101.

    You can see 3 levels of seating, what you may not be seeing is the two additional levels between the seats that can act as restuarants, corporate boxes, etc.  If you look at the picture from your link, you will see in the eastern stand a small grey section that looks like a section to itself above the blue, maroon and the other grey seatings of 320-1 to 323-1.  This section is a section for either corporate boxes, etc.  It is at level 4.  You can see the same thing on the western stand, above the gold seating.

    Again on the eastern stand, you can see another section above the level 5 grey seating.  This will be at level 6, and the seats above at level 7.

    The western stand appears to have the corporate box, and possibly media area, at levels 4, as mentioned above, and level 5.  The level of seatings above this is at level 6, not 7.  I have not been to the stadium to see whether the western stand is actually lower than the eastern stand, or whether they made some levels higher than the same level in other stands to make the stadium the same height.

    An explanation of why the stadium seating is split into 7 categories.

    From what I can see from you link:

    - Gold Membership is the most costly, therefore, you get the very best seats.  This is why they are situated next to the side line, on both sides of the halfway line, almost the entire length of the field in the western stand.  In the eastern stand, it appears they have seats that allow the entire viewing of the pitch [field].  These are also positioned on both sides of the halfway line, with the halway line as the center of the seating arrangement.  The halfway line is a popular place to sit.  A lot of people would like to sit there, therefore, the demand pushes the price up.

    - Maroon Membership. I presume this is the next level down from Gold Membership.  In the western stand, they appear to be on the top level, above the coporate boxes on level 2.  These are basically in the same position as the Gold Memberships seats, except they are higher. There are also seats on the edges of the Gold Membership seats on the lower level.  In the eastern stand, Maroon Membership gets some seats at the front, near the halfway line.  As mentioned before, these are popular seats. They are also allocated some seats next to the Gold Membership seats that are in the eastern stand.

    - Blue Membership. I presume this is Pay Level 3 (PL 3), where the previous ones are PL 2, and PL 1, respectively. They seem to get the remainder of the seats in the western grandstand.  Most of the remaining seats in the eastern grandstand are also allocated to the Blue Membership.  These are the remaining 'in demand' or popular seats, except for the gray area which I will mention below.  Blue Membersip are also allocated seats behind the goal posts, as these seats are also popular, possibly not to such a degree as the half way line.

    - Die Hard Fan.  Pay Level 4.  It appears the Broncos market more for their fans and supporters with this amount of categories for seats.  Anyhow, the Die Hard Fan section is in all corners.  The Broncos have discovered that their 'Die Hard Fans' like the corner areas and have allocated these areas as appropriate.

    - White Membership. Pay Level 5.  Most seats are in the northern and southern stands.  These seats are usually taken up by people with not enough money to buy the other, more expensive, seats.  I am not trying to say there is anything wrong with these people.

    - Legends Corner.  No Pay Level.  Obviously you need to be a legend within the Broncos to qualify for a seat in this area.  People off the top of my head that may be sitting there would be.

    Allan Langer

    Wally Lewis

    Ben Ikin

    - Grey Area.  I presume the grey [gray] area is for general admission.  This are the people who do not have a season ticket, and would like to watch the game.

  2. Their are three levels but their are 7 sections/levels of seats.Because their are other seats as well. Like 1,2,3......

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