
What is a libra?

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  1. i think its a lion

  2. A libra in an astrological sign.

  3. Libra

    The Libran enjoys travel, sports as well as theatre. They enjoy nature, motion and have a real taste for the arts and entertainment. They are prone to engage in frivolity but are also very devoted.

    Librans tend to be strong supporters of equality, the rights of man an universal brotherhood. Unfortunately they tend to be fence sitters and seldom put their feelings into practice. Librans dislike injustice and pettiness but many times fail to apply these feelings to themselves. Though subtle in appearance, Librans are selfish and self willed and resent any intrusion into their thought, independence or action. Librans rend to be very intuitive but tend to let their prejudices and feelings cloud the true issues. They tend to show good intelligence except in matters of their own feelings. Emotionally Librans tend to be impulsive and have a hard time seeing an idea or proposition through to fruition.

    Librans have great imaginations and therefore may waste time daydreaming or putting themselves in imaginary roles.

    Planet: Venus

    Symbol: the scales

    Day: Friday

    Color: pink

    Element: air

    Number: 9 and 6


  4. Libra

    9/23 – 10/22

    Zodiac sign

  5. I'm a Libra!!!!

    Libra, as a Sun Sign, is anyone born between Sept. 23 and Oct. 22  approximately.  (My birthday is September 26)  We are represented by the Scales, as that is what our constellation shows.  Our story dates back to ancient Egypt, where at the beginning of the afterlife, the Egyptian god, Anubis, weighs the deceased's heart against a feather (representing truth) on the Scales of justice.  So Libras are known to always be searching for balance and fairness.  We are open-minded and need to see things from all angles.  This, on the downside, does make us terrible indecisive and flighty.  But generally, I think we're good people to know!

  6. Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Libra. In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. In astrology, Libra is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered an air sign and is one of four cardinal signs.[1] Libra is ruled by the planet Venus (Which also rules Taurus). It is governed by the 7th House (House of Love & Relationships).

    Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Libra individuals. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun enters Libra around September 23[2][3] - 24[4][5] and exits around October 22[2][3] - 23[4][5]. Under the sidereal zodiac, it ends on November 15.

    Libra, (The Scales of Balance), is the only symbol of the zodiac that is inanimate (it is not represented by an animal or person).
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