
What is a license called when you want to own a foreign animal from another country?

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And if you do know anything else, what does it take to get one?




  1. depends what country you live in and what kind of animal

    sometimes you need an exotic license.. sometimes a zoo permit..

    technically everything other than a cat or dog..or livestock is an exotic pet..

    there are loads of animals from other countries you can own with out having a permit

    I should know.. I own several...

  2. It's called an Exotic Animals Permit.  Not sure how you get one...perhaps call your local zoo and they could tell you.

  3. Its really hard to get one. I have call your local wildlife game preserve and they can give you the regulations. But it consists of which animals you are looking to have. They came to my house and checked to see if it was safe for the animals like appliances, cages. Lots of animals are illegal so call them.

    Look there it helped me!

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