
What is a lot easier to do on a snowboard, BS boardslide or FS boardslide

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I can do some sick tricks off jumps but totally blow at rails and boxes which one is a lot easier to do.




  1. its all about preference. It may not be the same for everyone.. it is whatever you are more comfortable with.

    I personally thing FS is easier but my friends say BS

  2. Some of it is preference. But I think for a majority of people backside are easier. The most common problem when doing a bs is not leaning forward or bending you knees enough when you're learning so that you catch your back edge slip out onto your butt, which on a box usually isn't so bad. Leaning forward so that your toe side is down and you are flat based is key, especially on a down rail. Remember you can never lean too far forward (well almost never) it's much worse not too because you will end up on your heel edge and fall.

    I recently learned to do FS and it was a bit harder for me and the falls are more painful. People have a natural tendency to lean forward when they're going down the hill with their back downhill. This will cause you to go on your front edge and slip out onto your knees and shins. Extremely painful. I've had bruises covering my shins from  trying. What really helped me was when someone told me how important your ankles are. if you bend at the ankles you can make sure your board stays flat on the box or rail, this is important on a flat box or rail, and even more so when it's a down rail. Because if you flex at your ankles with your knees bent properly you can keep the board flat on the rail (which is very key!!!) and your upper body can keep your balance. Think of it almost as digging your heels into the box (not your heel edge). This may sound weird but to learn the motion it really helped me to practice digging my hees into the ground bending my ankles really hard, and sticking your butt out. Not sure if this makes complete sense. If you can figure it out though it really helps. With this small tip I went from not being able to do them at all, to doing them pretty well very quickly.  

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