
What is a lugaroo?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike uncle told me about this animal/creature thing or whatever. .....but he didnt really tell me what it was........he just told me the name of it.................Can anyon tell me what the Lugaroo is supposed to be?




  1. hey a lugaroo was a shape shifter it wasn't what we call a werewolf it was a person who cud change into a wolf at anytime just by thinking of it...they weren't savage or anything like that..

    you couldn't turn into a lugaroo you were either born 1 or u weren't..they could be killed either by silver or fire..the film Blood and Chocolate gives a really good account of what a lugaroo is u shud watch it its brilliant...hope this helps answer ur question...

  2. a Lugaroo is more commonly known as a werewolf.
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