
What is a lumber jack match?

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What is a lumber jack match?




  1. its when two wrestlers are fighting in the ring and there are other wrestlers on the outside.  Genrally the wrestlers on the outside are supposed to be bias and only throw the wrestler who went outside of the ring back in.  Now a days lumber jacks are played where there are two sides and they favor their wrestlers and they would beat the other wrestler for the other guy.  

  2. shut up you cena fan

  3. The way to win a Lumberjack Match is the same as in a traditional match - by pinfall or submissions. A count out is almost impossible, however, as the ring is surrounded by other Superstars. Once someone is thrown out of the ring, it is the job of the Superstars around the squared circle to throw him back into the ring. Very often, the surrounding lumberjacks get in a few shots of their own.

  4. Other people outside the ring.

  5. other wrestlers stand outside the ring and if anyone tries to get out they are thrown back into the ring by the people standing outside the ring

  6. when its a one on one match and 4 or 8 men stand outside the ring, and if a guy gets thrown over the top rope, the lumberjacks beat him up.

  7. people wating outside the ring to beat u up

    join this e fed make your own wretler talk in the chatbox cut your own promo ect

  8. That's match where you have a bunch of wrestlers outside the ring. If one of the wrestlers in the match gets thrown out of the ring the lumberjacks take the opportunity to beat on them before putting them back in the ring. The lumberjacks all wear red flannel plaid shirts and toques and try to speak with a french accent. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

  9. A Lumberjack match is a standard match with the exception that the ring is surrounded by a group of wrestlers not directly involved in it.These wrestlers, known collectively as lumberjacks – or sometimes lumberjills when they're female – are there to prevent the wrestlers in the match from fleeing the ring. The groups of lumberjacks are typically split up into groups of faces and heels who occupy opposing sides around the ring. Usually, the "opposing" lumberjacks (that is, face lumberjacks if the wrestler is a heel, and vice versa) swarm the wrestlers if they leave the ring and force them back in it. Occasional interference from the lumberjacks is not uncommon. Early lumberjack matches even featured the lumberjacks wearing stereotypical lumberjack clothing in keeping with the lumberjack theme, though this is generally no longer done.

    A variation of this match is called a Canadian Lumberjack match, in which the lumberjacks are equipped with leather straps. Another variation, the Extreme Lumberjack match is competed under Extreme Rules and the Fan's Revenge Lumberjack match, allowed fans of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling to act as the lumberjacks for a match between Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe.

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