
What is a mammal?

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if your answer is, "gives live birth" then that is wrong because platypus' lay eggs "they're the only on earth to lay eggs" says Ferb




  1. they're also warm blooded animals.

  2. any vertebrate of the class Mammalia, having the body more or less covered with hair, nourishing the young with milk from the mammary glands, and, with the exception of the egg-laying monotremes, giving birth to live young.

  3. A mammal is a warm-blooded creature who gives suck to their young.

  4. Warm Blooded animal....duhh

    what about penguins?


  6. The first characteristic that guarantees that an animal is a mammal is that it (if it is female) can produce milk to feed its young. This milk is produced by modified sweat glands called 'mammary' glands. It is from these glands that the whole group takes its name, 'Mammals'

    The second test is the possession of hair, something humans often have problems with but which they should respect more. No other animal has hair in the same form as mammals, and all mammals have some hair at least at the beginning of their lives - baby whales and dolphins are born with a moustache.

    The lower jaw in mammals is a single bone on either side. In all other vertebrates there are more than one bone on each side of the jaw.

  7. an animal that lactates from it's mother

  8. "Warm-blooded" (ie. has a higher body temperature than the external temperature), has some hair (even dolphins), has three small bones for processing sound in the middle ear, has a lower jaw composed of a single bone called the dentary, and is a descendant of the first mammal.  Oh, and it experiences no more than a single episode of dental replacement in any tooth position (except for occasional freaks).

    <<if your answer is, "gives live birth"...>>

    It wasn't.  That also applies for various fish, sharks, amphibians and scorpions.

  9. Don't put Your Info On The Platypus!!! That's one Rare Occasion Scientist Ignore It.

  10. warm blooded animal

  11. Mammals (class Mammalia) are a class of vertebrate animals characterized by the presence of sweat glands, including sweat glands modified for milk production, hair, three middle ear bones used in hearing, and a neocortex region in the brain.All mammals (except for the six species of monotremes) give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. Most mammals also possess specialized teeth, and the largest group of mammals, the placentals, use a placenta during gestation. The mammalian brain regulates endothermic and circulatory systems, including a four-chambered heart.Mammals encompass approximately 5,400 species, ranging in size from the Bumblebee Bat (30-40mm) to the Blue Whale (33 m), distributed in about 1,200 genera, 153 families, and 29 orders, though this varies by classification scheme.Most mammals belong to the placental group. The four largest orders within the placental mammals are Rodentia (mice, rats, and other small, gnawing mammals), Chiroptera (bats), Carnivora (dogs, cats, bears, and other mammals that primarily eat meat), and Cetartiodactyla (including numerous herbivore species, such as deer, sheep, goats, and buffalos, plus whales). The human species is also a placental mammal, a member of the order Primates.Phylogenetically, Mammalia is defined as all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of monotremes (e.g., echidnas and platypuses) and therian mammals (marsupials and placentals). This means that some extinct groups of "mammals" are not members of the crown group Mammalia, even though most of them have all the characteristics that traditionally would have classified them as mammals. These "mammals" are now usually placed in the unranked clade Mammaliaformes.The mammalian line of descent diverged from the sauropsid line at the end of the Carboniferous period. The sauropsids would evolve into modern-day reptiles and birds, while the synapsid branch led to mammals. The first true mammals appeared in the Jurassic period. Modern mammalian orders appeared in the Palaeocene and Eocene epochs of the Palaeogene period.

  12. a mammal must be :warm blood, have some type of hair, and must have live berth, with two exceptions, the duck bill platypus and the spinney ant eater.

  13. MOST give live birth, are warm blooded, have fur/hair, the babies drink the m others milk

  14. mammals are animals that can produce milk and usually give birth to live babies and not eggs.

  15. they feed there baby milk well at least produce milk and have hair/fur all over them,and there warm blooded animals

    humans are mamals

  16. You shouldn't take advice from cartoons but anyway.

    A Mammal is a living, breathing thing we r mammals

  17. warm blooded with fur

  18. A warm blooded being which has two eyes, ears, arms and legs

  19. Mammals (class Mammalia) are a class of vertebrate animals characterized by the presence of sweat glands, including sweat glands modified for milk production, hair, three middle ear bones used in hearing, and a neocortex region in the brain.

    All mammals (except for the six species of monotremes) give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. Most mammals also possess specialized teeth, and the largest group of mammals, the placentals, use a placenta during gestation. The mammalian brain regulates endothermic and circulatory systems, including a four-chambered heart.

    Mammals encompass approximately 5,400 species, ranging in size from the Bumblebee Bat (30-40mm) to the Blue Whale (33 m), distributed in about 1,200 genera, 153 families, and 29 orders,[1] though this varies by classification scheme.

    Most mammals belong to the placental group. The four largest orders within the placental mammals are Rodentia (mice, rats, and other small, gnawing mammals), Chiroptera (bats), Carnivora (dogs, cats, bears, and other mammals that primarily eat meat), and Cetartiodactyla (including numerous herbivore species, such as deer, sheep, goats, and buffalos, plus whales). The human species is also a placental mammal, a member of the order Primates.

    Phylogenetically, Mammalia is defined as all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of monotremes (e.g., echidnas and platypuses) and therian mammals (marsupials and placentals). This means that some extinct groups of "mammals" are not members of the crown group Mammalia, even though most of them have all the characteristics that traditionally would have classified them as mammals. These "mammals" are now usually placed in the unranked clade Mammaliaformes.

    The mammalian line of descent diverged from the sauropsid line at the end of the Carboniferous period. The sauropsids would evolve into modern-day reptiles and birds, while the synapsid branch led to mammals. The first true mammals appeared in the Jurassic period. Modern mammalian orders appeared in the Palaeocene and Eocene epochs of the Palaeogene period.

    *Sorry if that's confusing!

  20. they are warm blooded

  21. mammals are animals that have mammary glands(they can feed their babbies with their  own milk )and are able to give live birth,(Duck billed platypus )is a  mammal  that lays egg's and feed the babbies milk also after hatching from the eggs, this might be weird but is true and also Echinads are mammals that lay eggs

    always remember there is an exception for every rule

    I hope I helped

  22. they are also something with hair

  23. There are exceptions to many cases.Metals are usually solids,but Mercury...?

    Most mammals give birth,are warm blooded,take care of there young for a long(relatively) period of time et al.

  24. they are warm blooded animals that don't have scales or fethees and most of them have fur or hair and if you don't know what warm blooded means that the blood stays warm in cold temp wile cold blood means it changes back and forward and there is an other skin its bluber like on wales and dolafins and there is only one mammal that flys and one that lays eggs

  25. a mammal is an animal that breathes oxygen

  26. Birds are also warm blooded (to practically every other


    Mammals are the only animals to have true hair and also feed milk to their young.

    Also, btw, 'Ferb' is wrong as echidnas also lay eggs and are mammals.

  27. 'Mamma' means (brace yourself): BREAST, so a mammal is...

    Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including humans, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young.

  28. A mammal is a warm blooded creature.
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