
What is a masculist?

by  |  earlier

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someone mentioned it around here and i want to know. is it the boy version of a feminist? what do they do and believe??





  1. I'm not sure, but i would like to know

  2. I think it means someone who chews a lot.

  3. sounds a bit g*y to me

  4. Just another ism that we don't need.

    Sort of like feminism.


  5. a person into muscles

  6. It means ideas/philosophies that are expressed based on experienced of men.

    All the best,


  7. The term refers to social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies primarily based on the experiences of men. Masculism, when used by masculists (or masculinists), provides a general critique of social relations; many of its active proponents also seek to analyze gender inequality and promote men's rights, interests, and issues.

    It can go together hand in hand with feminism if used correctly.

  8. it sounds s**y!
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