
What is a middle school guy thinking when he stares at you blankly?

by  |  earlier

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he ALWAYS stares at me for a long time, but when i look he usually looks away really fast. (and his nostrils flare AHAHA) what's it mean?




  1. He's thinking of you naked

  2. Hes either thinking "Gross"

    or hes thinking "shes hot" i know, im a guy.

  3. he has a crush on u girl he will try 2 be your friend and when he thinks u feels the same things he feels about u he will ask u out or just ask u out that happend to me 4 or 5 times in middle school 13 year old guys are weird and some are jerks and they will try to look cool when u are watching  

  4. hes checking you out or hes just really out of it...i do that sometimes...just stare lol

  5. Would I do her?

    Nah. I wouldn't.

    Wait maybe I would.

    Wait maybe not.

    No...probably not.

    Atcually...I think I would...

    Would I?

    c**p SHE'S LOOKING.


  6. He's interested in you, but is too nervous to make eye contact.

  7. Downs syndrome.

    Or he likes you/is thinking of you naked.

  8. i don't know about the nose flare thing...pretty weird but i guess he's just staring at you and thinks your gorgeous!

    and i guess is pretty shy when you look at him so he turns away...

    maybe he doesn't know what to say to you but just a stare

    flirt a little, talk to him more...never know....


    can anyone answer this plz? thanx!;...

  9. Trying to read the mind of a middle school guy is like trying to look through onyx.  But, on a guess, he probably likes you.  

    Of course, it's just as likely that he's staring blankly into space and you just happen to

  10. Next time he stares, wiggle your nostrils at him

  11. Middle School guy? He's probably wishing you were part of the pornos stuffed in his sock drawer.

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  13. maybe he wants to talk to you.

    and/or likes you

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