
What is a mini snowboard?

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I know they're smaller than a normal board but why do you want them? Also, how long are they? I ride a 138cm board and I know that's small but is a mini even smaller?




  1. i saw a guy with a board that looked like it had been sawed off at both ends but he said it was a mini. It only had about a 6" nose and tail and it was 2-3" wider than a normal board. i asked what it was for and he showed me by doing a 540 off the ground. They're really easy to tricks on but they probably suck at everything else.

  2. that sounds pretty small i guess used for jibbing probably but thats really small i would only use one of those if it was a gaper day.

  3. They're jib boards.

  4. i'm guessing it's easier to use in the park.

  5. In DC Mtn. Lab 1.5, Lauri Heiskari rides one in the park.  I think it's a Rossi Mini.  I don't think they make it any smaller than 120-ish.  Might be wrong though.  My guess would be that it whips better and it reduces the chance of catching an edge on your nose and tail.  It's not really meant for anything other than fooling around on though.

    ^Around the 5:44-ish area he uses it.  His part is sick though.  You should just watch all of it.

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