
What is a modem and how can it slow your computer down?

by  |  earlier

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my internet is very slow and a lot of people say it might be my modem

I know we have one, but i dont know what it does or how it could slow my computer down.

ps Im not dumb i just dont know about computers Im only 14 lol

thanks, hope you can help




  1. Computers work in the digital world (discrete 1's and 0's).  It cannot travel very far before needing to be repeated.

    Phones work in the analog world (like the sound of our voice).  It travels much further than digital.

    A modem converts digital into analog and vice versa so that you can send your information over existing telephone lines.

    Each phone line is traditionally a 64Kbps channel of communication.  Some of that is used for timing.  Additionally, the further it travels, the slower your connection rate depending on something called modulation.  Most you could was 56Kbps.  Too many errors and you dropped to 28.  Worse yet, you would get 14.

    Today's Internet requires a MUCH faster connection.  Websites are robust and full of media.  Something that might take a modem hours to load could download on a broad band connection in seconds!

    Hope that helps.  Let me know if you need anything else answered!

  2. modem is a device that converts digital data into analog signals and vice-versa for transmission over a telephone line. to make your computer faster try this:

    first turn off the computer and w8 for 10 seconds-------> then turn off the Router w8 for 10 seconds ---------> turn off the modem -------> w8 for 10 seconds and power up ur modem----------> w8 for solid green on DSL -------> power ur router -------> and power ur compuer........Ur internet will work much faster ........

    hope that helps.

  3. A modem is the device that converts the signal from the carrier (phone company, cable tv company, etc) into an Ethernet signal suitable for network use.

    The modem is a required interface to enable things to work.  The modem cannot slow down your pc.

    If you believe your Internet speed is slow, which does not mean your pc is slow, you must conduct a speed test when no one else on your Local Area Network is on.  Once you have the speed test results, compare it to the carrier's defined rate.  If it is markedly slower, contact the carrier as there may be something wrong on their end.

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