
What is a mortal sin?

by Guest44899  |  earlier

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What is a mortal sin?




  1. if ur christian and/or catholic just ask ur priest he'll tell u

    umm im not sure but i think it killing someone

  2. All sin is deadly as the Word of God has declared that

    "the wages of sin is death."

  3. A tool of control and fear that evil old men put into the minds of children.

  4. Mortal is in the Bible not Mortal Sin.

    This is the Cruden's Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testaments


    A Dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible.

    How many of you Christians have one of these.

    Devils advocate in the mist

  5. I have no idea. A sin is  a sin.

  6. It is a Catholic doctrine with no real scriptural basis. Sin is sin. To break one Commandment is to break them all.

    To answer the question, it is a sin that puts the life of one or others in jeopardy. It's a loose interpretation of what sin actually is though.

    Sin, itself, is a transgression before God. Ask Him into your heart and he will forgive you.

  7. The Distinction between two types of sin

        All sin is an offense against God and a rejection of his perfect love and justice. Yet, Jesus makes a distinction between two types of sins. We call the most serious and grave sins, mortal sins. Mortal sins destroy the grace of God in the heart of the sinner. By their very grave nature, a mortal sin cuts our relationship off from God and turns man away from his creator. St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews tell us that "if we sin willfully after having the knowledge of the truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins" (Hebrews 10:26). The second type of sin, venial sin, that of less grave matter, does not cut us off from Christ. However, venial sin does weaken grace in the soul and damages our relationship with God. A person who frequently indulges in venial sin is very likely to collapse into mortal sin if they persist in their evil ways.

    So what kind of Sins are Mortal?

        In order for a sin to be mortal, it must meet three conditions:

        * Mortal sin is a sin of grave matter

        * Mortal sin is committed with full knowledge of the sinner

        * Mortal sin is committed with deliberate consent of the sinner

  8. Breaking of the 10 commandments. Someone once told me you break one you break them all. they are mortal sins and need to be confessed. God Bless you.

  9. Anyone who doesn't see life the way I see it is committing the mortal sin of stupidity!

    I'm Atheist!
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