
What is a mucus plug that women here are talking about?

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What is a mucus plug that women here are talking about?




  1. when your pregnant yu hve a mucas plug and i have no clue what it looks like but when it comes ot you have to go to the hospital i think cuz labor starts

  2. I'm 37 weeks pregnant I have been reading reading reading on that.A mucus plug is a gelatin like substance that is in your cervix.It makes a seal in your cervix so that bacteria can not get in an harm your baby. As you get further along you may loose that plug a little at a time or all at once some don't even lose it till they are in labor or right before it.The plug can be clear,yellowish,or streaks of blood in it which they call a "Bloody Show".

  3. it is a mucusy plug that pregnant women have to keep bacteria and stuff from getting to the baby.

  4. yes it is a big hunk of mucus that kinda resembles snot (sorry that was gross!) and has pinkish blood in it. It is to protect the baby. It could come out WEEKS or even months before labor and your body will "grow" another so dont freak if you loose it early. And if you dont loose it at all it will come out during birth.

  5. You will definitely know it when you see it.  It may contain a little pinkish colour so don't be alarmed.

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