
What is a natural flea killer for inside carpets?

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What is a natural flea killer for inside carpets?




  1. Dried and powdered Crysanthumum.  

  2. Diatomaceous Earth... thats what i used when my house was infested.. paired with frontline on the animals.  is a natural insecticide . Its made from the fossilized shells of tiny sea creatures called diatoms. It comes in the form of a chalky powder.

    Because it is like a light dust, it easily clings to the bodies of insects as they walk and crawl over it. The tiny glass-like particles then cut the waxy coating of insects and they eventually dry out and die. Insects come in contact or ingest this powder and die within 48 hours.

    insects dont become immune to this.

    oh yeah.. i forgot to mention.. you can get it at most healthfood stores... thats where i got mine.. it was fairly inexpensive

  3. ~~Popcorn salt! You can buy it very reasonable at restaurant supply stores (like Smart N Final). Sprinkle the salt all over your carpet and stomp it or take a brush broom and beat into down into the pad. Let ist sit 2 weeks (you won't even know it's there). Vacuum  up and repeat (for any eggs that may hatch). You will kill all of the fleas and it won't hurt anyone. It works by dehydrating the fleas.~~

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