
What is a natural supplement that can give you alot of energy?

by Guest31803  |  earlier

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What is a natural supplement that can give you alot of energy?




  1. If you are not a coffee drinker or tea drinker, then coffee will work big time. Also try the following

    Ginseng Extract (also known as panax, korean or chinese ginseng). There is a form called Ginsana available at the pharmacies (like most alternative treatments, results take a while, up to 4-6 weeks)

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  2. I am waiting to see what others say  but I noticed that I would hold my breath when I was thinking about deep things. Sounds crazy but if I get tired I make sure I am taking some deep breaths. I also make sure I am drinking enough water. Most people get tired cause they are dehydrated. Also, I was on a low carb diet & so tired not realizing at the time that you have to have carbs for energy.

  3. The green superfood Spirulina is supposed to boost your energy levels.

  4. COENZYME B12.  Not synthetic B12 which will drain you of energy.

  5. The first is a nutritional supplement that contains all of the natural energy boosting vitamins, minerals and nutrients in a synergized comprehensive formula. It is called Total Balance, and we have made it our core nutritional product. It is made up of all high quality natural ingredients that can increase your energy levels as well as promote overall health and well-being. The second is called Natural Energy with Bee Pollen and it is a natural energy supplement with many health benefits. Bee pollen is called a "superfood" because it contains every nutrient needed to sustain life. In addition to being a powerful energy booster, it can fight stress, regulate weight and aid in the digestive process

  6. Well b 50 works and royal jelly honey started your day off with a nice meal too helps. There coffee is helpful but for only a short period but gigseng and B-50 is wonderful. Drinking and energy drink and the natural supplement will knock you flat on your *** after a couple of hours try doing just a couple of  situps when you get up to that also help.Green tea works but for only people really sensitive to energy if I had to suggest any energy drink sobe is the less of all evils.

  7. COENZYME B12 vitmans and also GREE TEA

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