
What is a natural weed killer or week repellant?

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What is a natural weed killer or week repellant?




  1. Salt(but make sure you sprinkle it on the weeds only)


    The site provided the following recipe. Into a 32-oz. hand sprayer, combine one ounce gin, one ounce liquid soap and one ounce vinegar. Spray just the weeds..."

    Boiling water!

  2. the corn gluten only stops seed germination... otherwise, it's a fertilizer!!....

    salt and vinegar will ruin your soil, and kill plants, so that's out....

    there is no magic weed killer or repellant... each weed must be dealt with in one way or another....

    you let it grow and love the flower it has. and just try to 'control' it...

    you yank it out by hand....

    you attack it with a weed killer that is made just for killing IT...

    you use a weedkiller that will kill anything....

  3. Corn Gluten Meal.  It can be applied directly to grass and will kill the weeds without doing anything to the grass

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